Translate   10 years ago

My #life My #life started in a city in Germany in June 2003.My family is Russian. I was born in a family with my mum, my 2 brothers, and my dad. Well, My dad lived in a Russia, because of his job. Now something about ME. I was a child, which hated to sleep. It took me 2 or more hours to fall asleep. Since my #life is boring at the beginning there is nothing to say. I grew up. I was a noisy child. I didn't like to sit in the carriage or anything like that. When I was a baby, the only way I would sleep at day was if I would be on someone's arms. I couldn't fall asleep any other way! Well time goes on. When I wasn't even 1 my brother left bordering school in England. I don't actually remember anything, and after 2 years my other brother left since they were all older then me. My oldest brother was 12 years older than me. My other brother was 9 years older then me, so I was left alone with my mum. Well this is the creepy part when I was small, which wasn't a illusion, because I'm really sure. When I looked out of my mum's window I saw a monster, and if you know 'the ring' monster. That's what I saw. It felt like a déjàvu. Since I remembered that I was about 1 think it was because of that. I don't actually know. Well that was for about halve a year. Maybe when my brother was still there. When my brother left to England we went Cambridge. My brothers school was there. My older brother left the other school he went to and joined my 2nd oldest brother. I moved to Cambridge for halve a year. The inly memories I have are little pictures or videos in my mind. I got very ill when I was in England. Since I was so ill I was scared to cough, because my mum had enough of me being ill, so she would get angry. I remember this. I was standing behind the wall of the kitchen. The door was open so my mum would here me cough, so I helled my nose so I wouldn't cough, because I was scared of my mum. Well after a while I had to go back to Germany. I actually don't remember what happened after that. I started going to kindergarden. There, I met my best friends. Mandy, a other guy which left after halve a year, and Sophia. There was a other guy who always played at the same place all the time, so if I was bored I could play with him, but time goes on, and he joined the 'bad' group. They were the bullies, so he turned to one to. Poor him he was so nice. After about 2 years of kindergarden, it was time. I went to pre-school. It was an international school. I was happy. Then I went to year 1. That's when school actually started. I was the best in class, because what they did in year 1, I did when I was 2. I got A* in every test. Then year 2 came. I remember I was best friends with my friend Eva we knew each other since pre-school. Then Sarah came. She joined in year one. She 'took' my friend away. That's what I said in year one. In year 2 my brother finished school, but he didn't go to the university he wanted to go. So he came to us. Then I had a neighbor she lived one floor above me. She joined too. We played. But we had fights. I always had to apologize. That was in year 1. I thought it was me but it wasn't me. I told my mum and she told me that's unrealistic and that that happened in her school too, and that you shouldn't let her get you down. That's what I did. So she started apologizing herself. Year 3. My grades got worse. I got a C twice. My mum was so so so angry. Then I started getting better. A was my mark. I always got them, or A*'s. In year three my BFF Eva left. I was so sad. I almost started crying, because of a girl. I'll call her girl 1 didn't let me play with her for the last 2 months. I was so upset. My brother left at the end of year 3 to England to study bio chemistry. My second oldest brother finished school. He went to study architecture and design in london. Year 4. The beginning was awful. It was, because of a girl. I'll call her girl 2 She started punching and stuff so I had a lot of problems. But that wasn't a big problem. Your gonna see what happened a year later. Well that continues in year 4 . But after halve a year it stopped. Year 5 the worst year, and the last year. Year 5 was the best year at the end. At the beginning of year 5 a girl joined, who was my friend.She was Mexican but she lived in the U.S. So yeah. At the beginning people fought about her. Later on she wanted to play with me! She was my best friend. Then we made a club with a girl. I will call her girl 4 a other nice girl and girl 1. I actually didn't want girl 1,but I didn't want to tell her cause she was new. We promised we are never gonna fight, kick someone out. If we fight we have to apologize. The first fight happened with girl 1 and Girl 4. Girl 1 didn't want to apologize. At the end nobody solved it, but she forgot about it. There was something cool my friend brought from America. It was called rainbow loom and you could make bracelets from them. She didn't want anyone to know the name . She only told outer club. She even sold them. Guess what girl 1 did. We had a fight. She didn't want to apologize and didn't talk to us. She broke a rule. So we apologized and said we weren't her friends and we didn't really want her in out group in a really nice way. She overeacted and started crying. Then a girl in your class hit her somwhere. And cause she was such a liar her mum came and yelled at that girl. I wanted to go to the bathroom in lessons. I went out and I saw her mum screaming at that girl. The girl was in the edge crying her soul out (She was quite aggressive sometimes). Then her mum turned around and told me that I should be a 'good girl' and I should not fight with Girl 1. She had to tell that to her daughter and not to me that's what I thought. And after that I we found something out. You couldn't believe it. Because Girl 1 needed revenge, she told everyone about rainbow loom. We just found out after her mum came. Before that we made friendship bracelets and we asked her kindly to give the friendship bracelet back which actually sounds childish to me now, but nothing to get upset about. She didn't listen so I told her to give it in Monday. A day later someone called my mum. I didn't know who it was, I listened, it was her mum. She wanted to complain about me. She said my mum should talk about it. She came up to me, and she asked me," Is that true what she said?" I said," No, they are all lies." I told her everything. And she told me everything. I found out that her mum told Sarah to cut the bracelet. We had parents evening that night. My mum asked if it was me, or her. The teacher said it was her. She had, and still has fights with everyone. Other parents complained about her already. The next day, school. It was a normal say, till lunch. Her mum was there. Me and my friend knew what would happen. We hid in the bathroom. We told girl 2 that if she asks, we were absent at that day. We waited 10min in the bathroom. It was time to get out. We thought she was gone. No, she was waiting on the other side of the corridor. We wanted to pass by, and ignore her, but no. She came up to me. She started talking about the problems we had with her daughter. She said every advice my mum gave her to me. For example: You don't have to be friends with her, but you shouldn't fight. I felt like throwing up. My friend was waiting for me. When she was finished talking I wanted to leave, but then it was my friends turn, and guess what. She was at school for 3 months. She didn't know german at all, just a little, but the woman started talking to her german. She was confused. The woman tried to explain her everything. My friend just nodded. I stretched my hand out to her, because I was scared for her. When she finished talking. We tried to walk as fast away like sprint walking if that even exists. That was all with girl 1, and her mum. . The same night my friends mum called my mum, and told her she send a email complaining about what happened, and that no parent could talk to her daughter (complaining). My mum did the same thing, but she went up to my teacher, and told her, because the same day that happened she talked to my friend and me about it. She said that's not aloud.We didn't talk to her for 6 months. Later on in the year I had an argument with my class. So I played all by myself. Everyone forgot me. I was all by myself. The teacher told my mum. She told her she can't solve every problem I've got in school. She can't just tell me play with them. My mum helped me a lot with problems. Later on I tried to involve myself more, and it worked. I wasn't friends with my friend for a while, because I was a little disappointed in her, because she didn't help me when I had problems. We started talking with each other when we had our class trip. I was in the other room, but I didn't sleep there a night. First night it was, because a girl was homesick, so I went to there room. The second night it was, because my they were scared, because there were 18 year olds in our corridors, and they were scary, cause of some things. Guess what girl 1 was in our room too, but I didn't really talk to her. The third night a girl wanted to sleep in the other room, because we talked at night about topics she 'didn't like'.in that night there was a knock on our door, about 45min after bedtime. I thought it was the teacher, so I opened the door. We weren't aloud to lock our doors, but we were aloud to, because the girl was scared. I was very brave, let's just say that. Nobody was there. Second time somebody knocked. I opened the door, again nobody was there. Third time I was standing beside the door. Somebody knocked I opened the door straight away. I saw a boy from our class. We chaises him, but he was in his room when we started running. When we were at there room they said it was, because of 'truth or dare'. In the fourth night the girl slept in the others room again. In my room there was a other girl. Girl 5. As I said I was brave, and my friend was my friend again. And I got even more friends (the ones in my room). I was ones filming the place on the 'playground' (it was not a playground, but it was something similar). Since I was filming a group of girls about 2 years older than me said,"Hey bitch/slut! " I said," You are them." (I didn't want to use bitch/slut, so I said something similar, it sounds wrong in english. Better in german) (The translation is not really the same one, because it sounded better in german. And I didn't know how to translate that word) When I went back to my room I told my friends. They were shocked, because they would run away if they would say it to them. They for some reason told the teacher. I told them to not. Our teacher was quite. I told her it wasn't serious. She said it was fine. She was chilled. So she just told them that you should better not say that. My room thought I was very brave. I remember we walked from the playground. They told me somebody said something bad to us (I didn't hear) when we walked out. When they told me I turned around next to the gate and yelled something like bad. I don't remember what. Me and my friend turned BFF's and my other friends too, so we were a group of 4. Girl 1 wanted to be part of it. I just ignored her. I didn't want to have any thing to do with her. Our group was my friend, girl 4, and girl 5, and me. The I told them I was going to bordering school. They were shocked. They didn't want me to leave. On the class trip we had our song, because everything what was in the song, and video was happening. Just like in the song. It wasn't our own song. It was a R5 song. Pass me by. We found a secret way to a forest. It wasn't a secret forest we found out, but it was fun. We crossed the bridge from sticks. It was fun. At the end we went through the forest, and crossed the bridge with our tour guide. Class trip over. We did so much fun stuff after that. Me and my friend wanted a party at the end of the year. Girl 1 called us her friends for some reason. We didn't want to invite her, but we didn't want her to know it. A while later we couldn't have the party. I was upset. Therefore we had a play date with her and a other girl, who was leaving at beginning of next school year. Well at the second last day, we had our summer party. The people in my class filled glasses of water and spilled them on their head. At the beginning it was not serious, but at the end they were soaking wet. I was watching them and laughing. Just my skirt got a little wet.Last day. I got gifts, because I was leaving. But just from my best friends. I forgot to say this. We had a musical. I was one of the 4 main roles. I was the bad witch. I know sounds weird. Back to last day. My two BFF's left before the weekend. The field day. (They left after the field day which was FridayHolidays actually started on Tuesday. They left earlier). On the weekend my friend send me this song actually from Hannah Montana. It was called: I'll always remember you. When I heard it I had tears in my eyes. I still have if I listen to it. A day after school finished we had the play date. It was weird when I went to my friends door, there was a girl from our class. Weird. When I was in her flat, the girl from our class told me it was just her, the girl who was leaving, my friend and me. Then I saw other people coming up, more and more. My friend told me she invited the whole class. The boys couldn't come, they were all gone. It was a surprise good bye party. Nobody gave me a gift on the last day, which was weird. I got loads of gifts from people. There were just 2 people, who didn't. I was sad when I left. Everyone hugged me. Next day, or 2 I would leave to Spain. My holidays were at the same place since 5 years. This year was the last year. It was fun. Only I went to berlin to then fly early in the morning away, so I stayed at a hotel. It was 8 P.M. I closed the curtains, because it was to light. I tripped over my luggage and bumped my head on a glass table very badly. I remember how I helled my head against my forehead where I bumped my head and my hand got wet. When the lights were in my hand was full of blood. I started crying, because of pain, and shock. I went to the hospital they sewed my wound together. The next day I got very dizzy when I was at the airport. It felt like id fall and have a black out any time. I went to the fresh air and drank water, and I felt better. I think I didn't drink enough water. I knew I would have a scar on my forehead. That just ruined my face, that what I thought. When I was in Spain I couldn't dive for the first week, till I got my threads out. I got them off after a week ( I was actually aloud to dive after 3 days, but my mum didn't allow me) I still did it after 4 or 5 days. When I got my threads out everything healed like magic. The doctor said, because I was young, and wounds on your head heal much faster, then anywhere else. I had a scar. Well you couldn't really see it when I got my plaster off which I got after I got my threads off. Later on it got red, but then it got better. I counted down till I would go to bordering school. The last day, tomorrow it's time. I'm was in a England I couldn't believe I was going to bordering school. The first day. Nothing to wear. I left. When I was there it was very exited. I met all the people. It was fun. I had a lot of fun. I didn't write a entrance exam, because they liked my marks, so I was scared of maths, but I caught up. I found a guy who was sitting next to me was in love with me. He was weird to me. He looked a little like Harry Potter. Leave weekend...Half term holidays going to China. That's where I am now in China. School starts in 3 days. That's my #life. If I look back I am really happy.

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