Equestrian Adventures This is just an introduction to my Ocs and characters. It sounds a bit lame. Ignore if you want and move to the next part. Hello. My name is starry night. I'm a dark blue pony with navy/blue hair. I'm an alicorn. I live in Canterlot with my mom and my little sister. Oh, and my mom is princess luna. #life seems cool right? Not always. ---------------- Hello! My name is skylark, I'm a light blue alicorn pony, with a dark blue mane that kind of spikes at the end a bit. Oh and it has a small rainbow streak in it. I live in Canterlot with my mom (princess celestia) and my sister misty. #life is great! Most of the time anyways... ---------------- My name is misty. I'm a white alicorn. Like my mom. My mane is white too, and looks like a cloud. I was bullied in school a lot. -------------- My name is lightning strike, I'm a grey alicorn with spiky yellow hair. I'm a dude by the way. I live in cloudsdale with my mom, dad, and little sis. Yeah I'm adopted. My dad found me in the middle of the everfree. I'm not great at Magic though. -------------------- Hello! I'm violet dash, I'm a purple pegasus pony with a white, pink and blue mane and tail. I live in cloudsdale with my family. ------------- Hi!!!! I am twinkle, I'm a unicorn with a dark blue coat and black hair that's outlined in blue. It's dip dyed purple (well it looks like that) I don't have a cutie mark and I'm 5. Luna and starry night aren't really related to me. My real mommy and my real daddy left me in a box in manehatten. But I'm ok! ---------------- That's a small bit about my Ocs, you'll learn more later. Excuse if it's a bit lame sounding...