Translate   10 years ago

Some are born poor and some are born rich the rich are looked at as the most happiest but they really just have more possessions and they have many problems the poor are measured also by what they have they have the ones who can eat but barely can pay their bills and they have the ones who are living on the streets but even then I've heard of them having money but we have all one thing in common we all die and anything we did have rather it be one pair of shoes or many they aren't going with us when we leave. I would take a happy #life with out money anyway but in #life there's bound to be a issue that will come up that will cause some stress it's how you handle it is what counts. We all have to live our given #life and accept or change the things we can but the things we can't we have to cherish as our road .you can be at the same job for 20 years and the day you become ill or can't perform like you use to they will tell you your services are no longer needed. So in #life there are no guarantees

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