Most Common Question I asked myself this question And I'm sick and tired of guessing The undeniably complex Ideas of Love and it's effects. This past week I have been searching, Hoping to find the answer lurking In a book at home or google chrome Or some love song by Norah Jones I searched and searched, night and day... ...or maybe for just a few hours, okay? But how am I supposed to define A feeling that I can't seem to find? That's when it hit me- then and there, That Love is just like breathing air. It's not forced or learned, it's how we live For those that we care for, it's how we give. There is no way to learn to love See, the people we care for just kind of Lead the way so that we can't avoid The love that we feel even when we're annoyed So next time you question the things that you feel, Think of your family and friends and you'll know that it's real. #7709LV
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