Translate   10 years ago

Autumn Death The clouds mark the deep never ending blue limitless as the leaves crawl up into pale bronzes and luscious crimsons. Cool air surges through your lungs keeping you upright, making you feel alive. As the thin slices of wind scrape your exposed flesh. You huddle deeper into your jackets and coats and cardigans regretting the long scarf left on the kitchen table. Wet concrete slips under the soles of a newly worn shoes, tiny eroded stones stuck between the rubbery grooves. Puddles of stale rain water erupting into chilling waves, damp socks sticking to your flesh. Books sitting at the bottom of your moist school bag, smelling like a squashed sandwich. Jagged rips in your fingers from when you stab yourself with the tip of your umbrella, stubborn metal printing marks in your flesh. Bus stop dripping with a waterfall of what seems like tears. A barrier around the bench like a shell around a heart. In autumn, summers warm joy withers and freezes over at wintertime. Icy dreams thaw in Spring before ignighted in the heat of a Summery breath. Autumn is where things die out. When things fade until ice crushes the remains and is born again in the depths of the quietest of minds. Autumn is the death. Winter is the burial. Spring is the therapy. Summer is the relapse. One problem with the reality of it allis nearing its end and I need to die before the season is up. The thing is I feel strong enough to beat it. The pressure surrounding me doesn't press down, it wraps me in a blanket. The stress relives itself before I even let it settle. I am different from the others. I don't feel the need to die. I don't want to die. I will never die. I won't let myself. I am immortal because when the time comes for me to die I fight it, I struggle with it and it's worth all the sacrifices as long as there is breath in my lungs. The icy Auttumn air makes me feel boosted and the Winter just drives me further. This is what it means to be human. To fight, to struggle, to sacrifice and to live. All from a crimson leaf in the breeze. That is all the inspiration needed to be alive.

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