This Is Me Letting Go I take my hand, I'll do all that I can, To set you free, You're an angel waiting to be, With the last brush of our finger tips, The words at the tip of my lips, Dreaming of the untold kiss, That's to never have another repeat, I guess I'll have to tell my heart to take another seat, For it'll be awhile till I'll have another beat, The touch of our skin, Reminds me of the happiness you use to bring, The tears are starting to sting, As we say our last goodbye, This is me letting go, Once you're gone, you're never coming back, I'm too exhausted for combat, I'm not going to force you to come back, Saying I'll be fine, but it's the truth that I lack, Without you there, I don't know how ill fair, You were the wind in my air, You were the only one I ever cared for, I'm just scared, Of never being whole again, But this is me letting go, Back down to the country below, I'll miss you more than I've ever hoped, But this is me letting you go
Mad Hobbit
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