"It Gets Better" slam poetry "It gets better" You scowl internally, dismissing their cliché statement as nothing more than false encouragement. They mean well, of course, but you're sure that their misinformed optimism is due to a limited world view. It doesn't get better for everyone. That is a fact. Many people who suffer in their teens will go on to live mediocre lives, slaving away at a 9 to 5 job, drinking expensive coffee to numb bitter taste of an extremely unextraordinary #life.Even though this reality almost sounds more promising then crying yourself to sleep as the boy who says he loves you pushes you into the back seat of his beaten-up Sedan, coaxing you with a charismatic voice that you should let him do this to you, that he deserves this, that if you love him, you'd give him your body. As that one boy in your science class calls you fat, as that D in algebra stares at you, encouraging your already perpetually teary eyes to continue flowing, weary and wounded from the cesspool of misery that is adolescence, it is, in a way, even more crushing. So, I'm here today to tell you, as just another cynical teenager, that it might not get better. I believe it is my duty as a fellow human to report to you that there is a chance that no matter how hard you work, no matter how much faith you have in yourself, that your #life could just be a melancholy existence of lethargy. I'm sorry. Circumstances don't change for everyone. "It gets better" Does it?

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