Translate   10 years ago

Time From the beginning, this *thing* we shared would go no where. End nowhere. Start nowhere. But you insisted on playing this tune until the final chord yet you never did, the pages were torn beyond repair and what you had was a pair of scissors and some tape. Still, you found it entertaining, fitting the pieces back together, yet all you did was shred it until nonexistent. And I stood there, the keys that produced the sounds, the strings that strung the tune. Watched you foolishly as you tread on. Then I realized that you never cared. You knew this would go no where, that it would fall down down down and you could care less. Because it was just another measly hour of finding joy in something dull, and it was another day before you got tired of it. So you never did realize how it had affected me. The way my heart would accelerate beyond humane speed, how the briefest touch from you could leave me breathless, and how it all came crumbling down and my heart would be crushed beneath your feet like some pesky insect. How desperate I was to find an *us*, how I naively hoped and dreamed the despair and pain away. In the end- I was just a shell scooped empty of its content, hollow with the aftertaste of bitterness. So maybe it would've been better to never have met you, then this slight aching of my chest and the numbness that followed would've never appeared. Then I would never have to be reminded of your face every time my mind decided to process thoughts. In the end, I could not come to hate you but only move on and start constructing a facade. Maybe this time I can forgive. Maybe this time I can forget. Maybe this time I won't fall so deep into this *thing* called love.

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