Traducciones   10 años

The Hornnose Twins Once there were twins, The Hornnose twins! They did not get along as well. They never agreed on anything together they always thought opposite! The twins didn't have to share anything and I mean anything their room, bathroom, bikes all sorts of things even FRIENDS!! Till their birthday came. They got some nice things but, they worried more about their GRAND prize from their parents.when it was time to open the present... They lost their breath when they saw ONE trampoline!! Their nose sagged all the way to their feet. They ran like crazy and stared making horn noises.their parents didn't know why was going on! The twins finally got relaxed and explained the reason they went crazy. They wanted their own trampoline. But that was already enough money imagine doubling the price said the Hornnose mom! We EACH WANT OUR OWN TRAPOLINE!! Said the Hornnose twins! We'll to bad your going the have to SHARE!!! Noooo honk honk said the twins! The twins ran the one of their rooms and talked out their problem out. They decided to feel bad about being like that to their dear parents that they love so very much. So they went outside after the trampoline was built and said sorry to their parents. The Hornnose twins invited a few friends and finally realized thy sharing wasn't so bad.

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