Warrior Cats : The Early Rise Page 1 the #life was useless, what was a special thing about being a cat? '' think, sungleam think . Sungleam 's think: whenever what you do, listen to your heart, this is real #life , with your start. When you eat, make sure you ate 5 pieces of a bite with water . When you saw a beautiful cat and fell in love with her,really make sure that your inside tells more then your outside . (End of thinking) . I was thinking in a dump of chop wooden and plastics in my kitty pet house . Plasters of chunks were everywhere! Dust materials, used by my two leg owners, sticky clumps of sharp,razor, points sticking in the puddle . Oh my , what a mess ! As I stretched, with a bright sun light, hitting my warm flame-colored pelt. ( eventually, ''i said oh my, what a mess ! in my mind ) later on , one of the two leg owners gives me food . It was cat food, with vitamins, my favorite ! And in the other bowl, was of course, water. I nibbled ferociously on my food, as I chewed, a mouse appeared in the porch . I looked at the mouse when I was done eating and licking the crumbs with my tongue . I should drink water a little bit, then I might scurry off and get that stupid mouse, until it runs away ! I said proudly . As i drink a milliliter Amount of water, I peeked on the mouse who was looking for his cheese . All of a sudden, I ran into the mouse , taking a gulp of water in my mouth quickly , then ,swallowed the entire mouse I licked the blood of it and have an amazing idea about going to the forest !

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