The Girl Who Changed The Future With the rain pouring on her pale face, Scarlett fumbled with her keys till she was able to open the door. She rushed quickly inside and took off her damp blue coat, which was now like a swimming pool. She took off her dilapidated gloves, warmed up the oven and warmed her hands. With the rain still pouring outside, there was barely anyone walking outside. There would be an occasional car that would drive past, but it would splash the pavement with water. Scarlett thought that maybe she should close the shop. There was no one walking by and she was wasting her time. So she did exactly that. She switched off the lights and locked the door. Then she rushed home only to find that there was someone trying to break in. Out of all the houses on the street, and hers wasn't the prettiest, he had to break into hers. All of a sudden, she dropped he umbrella and rushed to stop him. Surprisingly, the moment Scarlett touched this mysterious person, he paused and turned around. For a second Scarlett thought that time had stopped, but she knew that would never happen. The man grabbed her arm as she tried to run away, but she couldn't. He was too strong. Then he whispered in her ear "Your mum shall die if you don't find a cure. Find it and I will reward you." With a flash, he disappeared. Her heart pounding, Scarlett felt she was falling. She looked down at her feet to see only darkness. But when she looked up, the sun was shining. What happened to the rain? Why was the floor black and the sky blue? That old man had to have done something to cause this. Suddenly, everything went dark all around her. Now, for sure, she was falling. She felt so scared and lonely. Abruptly, she landed on a pile of feathers surrounded by a beautiful landscape. It reminded her of watching Alice in Wonderland with her mum and dad. In fact, it looked exactly like wonderland. Ever since she watched it, she wanted to become Alice. Meet the hare and the mad hatter. But she didn't want to kill a dragon on the other hand. So, as every 21 year old woman would do, she wandered off into the colossal forest. To her surprise, the ground started rumbling like an earthquake and all the trees started falling to the ground. Scarlett fell to the floor and curled into a ball. Adrenaline was running through he weak body and her hands were shaking like mad. The man had made her #life now a misery. After. About 5 minutes, the shaking stopped but there was a big storm starting to swirl. She had to get to shelter. This was a new place so she chose between two paths. If she took the wrong path she would be a goner for sure. She spent the next hour walking through different types of land. She went through a desert, grassland and volcanic land. Eventually, she spotted a small wooden village with only a few houses with one shop. Then the earthquake started again. But this time there was a strong wind. In a small moment of peace, she heard a voice saying "Scarlett, help me."
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