Murder Land (prologue) Madeline slowly opened her eyes and watched trees greet her as they swayed in the wind. Her crystal blue eyes watched as the luscious leaves drifted back and forth, slowly falling from the prospering trees. Before the leaves reached the ground, they turned from a gorgeous green to either an apple red, blackish-purple, or a autumn color. Although, they turned different colors they all contained yellow spots scattered everywhere among them. As more groups of leaves drifted down, the beautifully tinted sky peeked from out behind the waving trees. The upper atmosphere behind the trees contained a reddish sky that complimented the apple colored leaves that laid below Madeline. The azure also accommodated a color that you would only see at day-break and dawn, a honey colored tint was mixed in with the red. Madeline's stomach roared for a cup of tea mixed with a spoonful of honeycomb honey straight from the hive. While slowly pulling herself up, Madeline tried to her best to take in as much of her surroundings as she possibly could. Making a full circle, she spun around several times to get a full image of where she was at. Nothing but trees stood around her and leaves crunched under her feet as she stumbled around, trying to regain her balance. Noticing something odd, she focused her attention to the trunk of the trees around her and found large mushrooms placed around the base of the plant. They were bright red with yellow spots and looked poisonous. "Gorgeous, no?" A husky voice spoke out from behind her with a strong French accent. Madeline jumped slightly and immediately turned around. Before her stood a man with a suit on that looked like it had been turned into a goofy costume, but yet still fashionable. His outfit accommodated hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs, a weird combination that made Madeline second guess what she was wearing, which was nothing compared to his loud attire. A black vest, which exploded with red hearts, tucked away a necktie with bright gold diamonds. His jet black pants wasn't any better, containing blue spades and penny loafer shoes that shined with green clubs. A cane was tucked neatly under his left armpit while he took a courteous bow in from of Madeline, only two feet away. "Uh yes. Do you mind telling me where I am, Sir?" Madeline awkwardly bowed back and watched as his long blonde hair slowly swayed in the wind, acting as the tree limbs behind him. "Why question the beauty of something, my dear? Bask in it's ever lasting glory." He swung out his hands and twisted around in a circle, his cane swinging in the air along with his hands. Madeline became frustrated as she continued to watch the insane man twist around. Finally having enough of his ignorance, she swiftly turned around and started to walk towards the tree line. "Going somewhere?" A breath on Madeline's neck warmed her chilly skin and made her yelp. Before she could turn around to face the particular man, a pair of hands was placed upon her back and gave her a slight shove, making her loss her balance and tackle the leave ridden ground. "Ouch." Madeline hissed and felt a slight sting on her bare knees as she made contact with the ground. "Tip one: Don't turn your back on a stranger." The man spoke and his voice showed no signs of regret. "Why did you-" Madeline began and stopped short as she seen the scene before her. "Don't ever question something in this land." The stranger spoke up and grabbed the head of his cane, sharply pulling it up and letting the sheath fall the the ground, presenting a sharp sword. It glistened a bright red, reflecting and mirroring falling leaves as they drifted away from above. "Wha- what is that?" Madeline questioned and noticed the feral look in the eyes of the man. "Didn't you hear me, my dear? This land wasn't built on questions and won't ever present answers. Just go along with the flow." He gripped the shiny silver sword with both hands and produced a sinister smile. Positioning the weapon only a few meters away from his body he brought his shoulders back, slowly raising the deadly object. "Run my little rabbit." He spoke softly before bringing the sword down with a powerful jerk. Madeline let out a piercing scream before rolling to her side, only dodging the killing blow by a few centimeters. Not wanting to stick around for him to take another swing at her, she reluctantly sprang herself up and dashed off into the trees. A few minutes had pasted until Madeline finally stopped running and tried her best to get air back into her burning chest. A call came from a few yards back signaling he was closing in. Madeline looked down at her bare knees and watched as blood slowly seeped down from the wound she received not even a few minutes ago. He looked so nice and caring, how can someone be so murderous and look so sweet? "Little rabbit?!" A voice called from a few yards away and made Madeline begin her mission to get away from the crazy murderer again. After a while, she reached a clearing and it contained a drop off that looked like it never ended. Being cautionous, Madeline slowly walked along the peek of the cliff and tried her best to not get caught by the empty abyss below her. Taken the chance to finally look around, Madeline looked around and seen rocks jutting out from the abyss. Clouds covered some parts of the rock and cleared away to show water falling of the rock into the empty abyss. It looked like a picture out of a fantasy book and exotic birds flew into Madeline's vision and accommodated the beautiful island. "Why would you want to question something this beautiful?" A male voice spoke behind Madeline and she knew who it was before he finished his question. "Please don't hurt me." Madeline called to him and swiftly turned around, almost brushing her face against the strangers chest. She didn't realize he was so close. "You wanted to know where you are? Well, welcome to Murder Land Madeline." He spoke and reared his leg back and made impact with her abdomen. The force of his kick made Madeline fly back, off the cliff and tumble down the cliff into the dark and ensnaring abyss.

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