Translate   10 years ago

Midnight "Everyone to the meeting hall now it is urgent," The announcement said. "I ran to the meeting hall as fast possible knowing this would be important. Welcome to the meeting hall, I read the words on a sign and walked in behind the people waiting. We all sat down in our numbered seats. I am number 11406. I always have been. I sat down and we all looked around,awaiting the announcement. The town leader, Jake Habit, walked on stage and picked up a microphone then said, "Today's announcement is VERY important, In 3 days, at 12 am on the third day, the purge has started. It will go until 12 am on the 4th day. You have been warned. I got up and ran, pushing my way through all the people and someone grabbed me by my shoulder. "Hey pretty girl... Just gonna tell ya, when the purge starts, I have plans..." The boy said and I turned around and noticed it was Jason. The leader's son. I pulled away from him and kept running. I ran into my house and went up the stairs. I dived into my bed and looked at the clock. Time was ticking. I went to sleep eventually. I knew midnight would come. I woke up. It was the second day. At 12 am it will begin. I ran outside and bumped into my neighbor who was standing at my door about to knock. "Sorry... I'm pretty stressed out," I said to him. Jack responded, "It's okay, I think we all are," he laughed. He was laughing that perfect way he always did. "I wanted to ask you... You wanna stick together during the whole purge thing with me and Max? If we stay together there is a better chance of safety. Plus Max is my little brother and your my... Friend..." He said awkwardly. I thought before I responded, "Yeah I'd be happy to, meet me here with Max at 11:40 pm tonight ok?" He nodded his head and I hopped on my skateboard and rode away. 10 PM I read the time in my watch. I bought a shotgun and ammo for me, Max, and Jack. I bought a first aid kit, water, food, and backpacks for us to carry it all in, and I got bikes for us all to have a quick escape. When I finally got it all home it was nearly time so I knocked on their door. Max and Jack opened the door and came outside. I handed them each a bike, water, food, shotgun, ammo, and first aid kits. We all put our items in the backpacks and the clock struck 12 am. The purge has begun. All laws no longer exist. I could already hear screaming and then suddenly Jason and his group of friends started walking up to us, fully geared. Jack pushed me and Max behind him and pulled out his shotgun. "Touch either of them and I pull the trigger," Jack said. Jason smirked and started walking closer. Jack had his shotgun aimed at him and his finger was on the trigger. He pushed me and Max farther behind him. Jason started walking in my direction. Jack put his arm in front of me. Jason was inches in front of my face and he was staring into my eyes. Jack pushed me back farther and punched Jason in the face. "Run" he whispered to me and Max. Jack grabbed my hand with his left hand and Max's with his right and we all started running, Jason and his 5 friends behind us. I tripped on a rock and fell down and Jason grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up. When Jack aimed his gun he put me in front of him and said, "You shoot me, you shoot her,". He backed away and tossed me to his friends and they held me up off the ground and were tying my legs together. I pulled my arms down and they both fell into the ground and I stood up and tried to run but Jason grabbed my thigh and pulled me back and tied my legs himself. Jack ran up and punched him and I watched them get into a fist fight while I couldn't move. His friends suddenly grabbed me and tied my arms behind my back together, and threw me into a car. Jason jumped into the seat next to me and closed the door and sped away, Jack was firing bullets at his window and Jason started going into full speed and drove through the forest. He stopped at the middle of the forest and picked me up like a baby and put me down by a campsite they set up. He tied me to a tree and then stood uncomfortably close to me. His friends snickered at me and said, "When he likes a girl, he gets what he wants." I quickly knew what that meant. He turned around and left me there and sat by the campfire. "Their right," he said, "You're hot, and I like you, so I want to explore you." I glared at him, my eyes were like slits. "Oh, and anything you do during the purge can't be punished, so if I still have you by the end of this, they can't stop me from keeping you," He said. Then I saw Jack and Max riding their bikes towards me and they started firing the shotguns. This was a fight and it was over..... Me.

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