çevirmek   10 yıllar önce

Bus Gang: Book 1 It was the start of a chilly and boring September when two girls clambered onto a large, un-clean bus. The older one obviously knew where to sit but the younger one did not. Grabbing the younger by the hand the oldest girl yanked her onto a seat and proceeded to jump onto a seat near her. Next to the eldest sat a fiery haired girl with pale skin and light eyes. She proceeded to play with her mousy blonde hair in embarrassment of the recent event. As she sighed in disappointment she overheard the eldest's conversation with a gang of boys. She was annoyed with what the boys were saying. "Who's this?" One boy grumbled, "No-body said anything about sitting near year sevens! This is our part of the bus. Not theirs." "I agree with Brandon but still they are new to the bus and they don't..." "Don't what Morgan?" A small boy with a slight Afro chirped up. "... Understand?" The light brown haired boy gulped back. "Meh, still our part of the bus, so we've established that that one is Lucy's, but who's is that one?" The boy, she presumed was called Brandon, said sternly. "I'm guessing she's something to do with one of you!" The elder girl giggled glancing at the fiery girl, "who's sister, cousin, best friend or neighbour are you? By the way I'm Lucy" "T...T...Tom..." The fire haired girl choked, "I'm his...sister...Abi..." "Hi then Abi! She's Tom's. You sneaky little boy child." Lucy chuckled to herself. She flicked her dark brown hair over her shoulder in pride. The blonde boy, Tom, frowned. Brandon glanced at Lucy thoughtfully and then shook his head as they drove up a steep hill.

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