Translate   10 years ago

What's In The Box One day there was a boy called Tom he lived with his Mum and Dad and they were called Carol and John. One day when Tom woke up from bed and he went downstairs to have breakfast, Tom had egg,bacon,toast and beans. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. My Mum went to answer it when she opened the door there was a mailman and a huge parcel. My Mum signed a letter then he brought it inside and then went. I asked my Dad "Who's the parcel for!" "I don't no" said Dad Dad went to look on the parcel and found Tom's name on the top and it said "Do not open until 40" "Ok" said Dad "What shall we do in the next hour" said Tom. Dad said "how about go to the park and play football" "Ok" so Tom and his Mum and Dad went to the park and played football, swings,slide and finding lots of leaves. When they got back it was 40 Suddenly there was a knock at the door agin it wasn't the mailman, Tom went to answer the door and he saw his grandad standing there. "Come in" said Tom. So grandad came in. Tom said "did you send this parcel grandad" "Yes" said grandad Tom opened the parcel and inside was a pool table. "Thank you" said Tom Dad got the pool table reddy and then they started to play pool. The End

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