Originality I feel like my first post should be something that the majority of readers will be able to relate to. People seem to be rejected from society if we are to like something that a typical person in this day and age would not like. Technology has made this worse, online, if for instance, a teen was to speak of someone they idolise and love, they would receive insults and hate if that person was not typically idolised by that specific age group. No matter what we like or what we want to talk about, we should all have the chance to discuss the things we love to do and the things that make us happy. Why not just be an individual person, don't follow a crowd, if something makes you happy, you do that thing. Don't listen to what anyone else has to say, after all, you are your own person and you can choose to like or dislike whatever you wish, it's your #life. Don't change yourself for anyone else, especially teens, like what you want, when you get older, you will be the interesting one with the crazy, silly stories that people will love to discuss! The rest will not have anything to look back on, apart from being a follower. Be your own person, it's okay!