The Community Of Broken People On the Internet are many communities. These communities often consist of people who have never met in real #life, but bond over certain commonalities such as hobbies. Of all these communities, there is one that is frowned upon by everybody else. We don't have a name for our community like fandoms do, but we know we belong. This community bonds over sadness, hurt, betrayal, and illnesses. Sad as it sounds, our community is pretty huge. In this community, we stand up for each other. We chide cyber bullies. We know and understand each other so well, but yet, we don't know each other's real names. And that's okay with us, because we know the real person hiding behind the "real name". It is in this community that the true, imperfect side of people surface. But who exactly are we? Who are the people in this community, that is so shunned by society? We are the people who hurt everyday. We are the students at the back of class who is ostracised for being "emo". We are the schoolmates you bullied. We are the people you called fat. We are the rape victims. We are the depressives. We are the self harmers. We are the outcasts of society. Members of our community are everywhere. You are around them everyday. Yet, the other people in the community - people who haven't even met them - already know them better than you do.