Translate   10 years ago

Her Shadow I could see it in the gloom from the corner of my eye like a shadow a fleeting memory. It did not surprise me though I saw her shadow everywhere even in the coffee I drink every morning. She loved her coffee especially cinnamon coffee it was kind of her thing my Caroline. My beautiful Caroline I do not care what anyone says she deserves this; the truth to be found out and justice to be done. Here comes someone it has to be the owner; This rinkey dinkey thrift shop is closed. You know those kind where the owner is the last one to leave every night. This thrift shop is the last place where I can track down anyone who has seen my Caroline alive that is. A red headed lady (who must be the owner) came out and locked the door. She is heading down the side alley she must be going to her car in the back parking lot. I grabbed my brief case with Suzie (my glock) in it and exited the car to follow. I know the red head is a woman and I would never harm a woman but for my Caroline I would move the sun. Besides I was just going to scare her with it all I wanted is the truth. I would not actually hurt her I don't think. O God what have I become but I have to know for Caroline. As I rounded the corner of the alley into the back parking lot it was empty except for her. There where a few cars but we where the only two; Me and the red head. She was at a bluish silvery car trying to shut what looked like a packed trunk. As I approached she froze I think she heard me. I faltered in my steps the way she moved was so familiar but I kept moving. She bolted without even closing the trunk and I was so surprised I almost stopped. Without missing a step though I sprinted after her and heard a thunk. I caught up to her before she got to the parking lot exit. As I grabbed her arm and halted us both she spun around. My fingers released an invisible brief case I must of dropped it as I started to run. Caroline was in front of me no longer the long golden locks but short red hair. This can't be am I that bad. Am I really seeing Caroline in this lady I started to question my sanity. Then she spoke in a beautiful bell like voice just like my Caroline, "leave us alone she can't be with you. STOP SEARCHING!" I was froze I couldn't move couldn't speak. Then she was gone and all I could think was Caroline?????

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