Translate   10 years ago

Roots & Trees "You ready for this, Kiribi?" My Mum seethed with false hope and tethered love. First days are always hard. Especially when transferring back to a district when you've been gone for two years. I wanted to stay in Yorkshire but nooo, we have to get back to our roots. Stupid HarpenRastë being the soul place we "belong". I look away and mumble, "As ready as I'll ever be for 10th grade." Mum takes a rear view glance and her un-there smile depletes. "I gotta go, my little fruit basket, send me a text when you get back to the flat." I leave without a word, and start the steps up to Billington High. I yelp at a large noise behind me. "Mum! Really?" She sends an 'I love you' in sign language. I roll my eyes and shoot one back but put my hand down before anyone sees. I watch her leave then finish going up the rest of the stairs. Sigh. "Hello Billington," I mutter, "meet your newest freak."

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