Traducciones   11 años

The Hands Behind This Mind Part 1 The man "Sky!" Cindy Hughes chased her little sister across the wheat field. Sky's curly blond hair glistened in the sunset as she giggled. "Haha you can't catch me!" Her laugh sounded like it was half hyena and half howler monkey. The obnoxious chuckling soon ended. Sky froze and turned towards Cindy causing her to become puzzled. Before her eyes, Cindy's little sister's jaw dropped open and her pupils became dialated. A dark figure in a black cloak began to emerge from the young child's agape mouth. He was scrawny with pale skin and his eye sockets were hollow and dark. Most of his body was covered by the cloak. "Hello, Cindy Hughes…" As the man spoke an auburn gas with a strong odor poured from his mouth. Cindy tried to speak but all that would come out were short shrill squeals of terror. "Child, come with me…before it's too late…" "What do you mean?" Cindy forced out. "I, Leithius , have come to save you from yourself…" "What?" "Lock your bedroom door tonight. You're not as well as you seem. You are within reach of the hands…"he perished and Sky's body collapsed. "SKY!" Cindy ran to her sister and thrashed her. After five minutes she awoke. "Sky,do you remember anything?" "Huh?" "You know, the man?" "No. What man? We were playing tag, I fell, hit my head,and passed out. Remember?" Sky questioned. "Yeah I guess so." * THe girls returned from the park and soon gathered around the table to eat dinner with their parents. "Hey, girls did you have fun in Fletch's fields today?" asked their mother. Cindy looked down at her food and dropped her fork. "Everything okay, Cindy?" Her father asked. "Am I dangerous…" "Not that I know of, sweetheart. Why would you ask that?" Mom responded. "Leithius said he came to protect me from myself." "Leithius?" Cindy watched as her mother gave her father a concered glare from across the table. "Never mind, it was probably just a hulucination. I'm going to get some sleep." The awakening Cindy was awakened to the sound of Sky's ear splitting cries. Wanting to save the child, Cindy sprung from her bed and dashed towards Sky's room. She tried the door knob. Locked. Cindy heard loud pounding noises and the young girl on the other side continued to plead for mercy. A deep haunting voice boomed. "You'll never escape this fate that you've set for not only yourself, but everyone that's close to you." It began to chuckle. Not a pleasant laugh but more of a cackle. A cackle that could've came from the devil himself. Cindy resumed her attempt to save Sky. "Help me, help me! I'm so little and defenseless! Wow you mortals are so pathetic.…" it proceeded to taunt. Everything fell silent. For a moment. THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! Now it was coming from Mister and Mrs.Hughes room. Cindy sprinted to the other side of the hallway and slammed against the door. This time the door was already open and she stumbled to the ground. A net dropped from the ceiling. Cindy lay there struggling to get up but the more she struggled the more the net sliced her skin. Six ghastly figures like the one that she had seen earlier in Fletch's Feilds appeared out of thin air. The group circled around her and nailed the net into the floor. The one that floated above the others said,"We enjoyed watching you struggle Miss Hughes. It's only going to get worse." The others began to chant," We are the hands behind this mind Sanity we unwind In the night we creep Causing people to weep She sprung from her bed We left two dead We are the hands behind this mind and then Cindy passed out. The Arena Cindy opened her eyes. Darkness, gloom, and dirt surrounded her. She arose from the floor and walked around. Ouch! she thought as she ran into a set of bars A jail cell? Cindy Hughes… it was coming from inside her head. It is, I, Leithius. The Cloaked Mists have brought you here. You are currently in a cage. Get out. "What's happening? Why did they take me? Are you in my head?!?!" Yes. That day in Fletch's fields After you saw me you passed out like your sister did. She just doesn't remember it the same as you do because I hacked her hippocampus and deleted it. Anyway The Hands think that you have a strong mind. They think that mortals are week and if you don't prove them otherwise they will kill you and your sister. Then they'll destroy the human race. "The Hands aren't human?" They're basically demons that want to kill everyone anyway so the devil can take they're souls so they have a better chance of fighting the Angels but that's a different story, kind of. Listen, they have your sister. Your parents are dead. Win and you save many. I have to go. Get out of this cage.

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