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Today, I: book Two: Kidnapped Chapter One 8:48 AM Tuesday, May 23, 2034 Mayzie I need to find Justin. He's been gone for two hours." Get back here, you brat!" I yell as I see him running from a fanalette as I now see. "Sorry, stupid thing!" I yell as I lock on to the fanalette. Oh, right, what is a fanalette? It's a creature that is sort of like a zombie vampire mix. It bites you and you become one through a crucial process. Anyway,my arrow punctures as Justin's dart hit the thing. He yells something inaudible at me. I make out,"Mayzie! Over here!" I run to him furiously. "You jerk!" I scream. I slap him hard. "All you had to do was walk those few yards to get water. Two hours you've been gone and that's all you had to do." He looks down, ashamed of himself, probably. "Now its about 9:30,so we should go." Justin agrees mutely as I retrieve my arrow, careful not to touch the poisioned part. Chapter Two 9:34 AM Tuesday, May 23, 2034 Justin Mayzie dunks her arrow into the river. Seeing that it is now clean, she sidles up to me and slides her arrow into her hip quiver carefully. I see her small pocketknife attached to her quiver.I step back and I feel myself getting pulled into the air like a Raggedy Ann doll that Mayzie used to play with. "Justin!"she yells. "Don't look up. The fanalettes take eye contact as aggression." Chapter Three 9:37 AM Tuesday, May 23, 2034 Mayzie Justin takes a silver-meaning unpoisoned- dart and lifts it slowly. I realize what he is making a move to do. I tell him no with hand gestures. I know he'll do it anyway so I hold my arms out to catch him so he falls into them. He does and pain in my arm blossoms instantly. He must see it because he frowns at me worriedly. "Mayzie,uh, we gotta go. Like, now. He slowly motions to the trees and I see them. Hundreds of fanalettes, waiting to attack. Chapter Four 9:58 AM Tuesday, May 23,2034 Justin My sister catches on quickly. We walk out of the woods into a clearing, where the sun blazes through. You might not think this is important. It is to me and Mayzie. Fanalettes hate bright light, therein, they hate sunlight. But I see a thing, a speck, in the distance. But as we near it, it is not a speck, it is a tower of brick and black stones, effectively placed so the fanalettes cannot climb it. Near it, a sign, a billboard, says we can come in if we identify ourselves at the west gate. What gate? Then I see it. A looming seal, 30 feet high, topped with brightly colored steel points. I walk to it,and guards who are maybe 18 or 19, point rifle barrels at us." Identify yourselves, or we will shoot." The man on the left says it. I say, "I'm Justin Luciata, and this is Mayzie, my little sister. I'm sixteen and she's fourteen." At "my little sister," Mayzie shoots a nasty glare at me. I say, "What's the building for?" Mayzie looks at the building,studying it. The woman on the right answers,"It is a safe house from the fanalettes. Go right in." Chapter Five 2:37 PM Thursday,January 14,2035 Mayzie I guess I'll explain the timeskip. It's been a few months. #life's been boring. They, meaning the people at the compound, gave me and Justin a third story room. There are three stories in the compound, so we're at the top. Our room has two beds across from the door with a dresser in the middle. We put our assigned clothes in it. On the top of the dresser is an alarm clock. On the left is a bathroom.On the right, a kitchenette, complete with a microwave, toaster, and stove oven. Anyway, I wake up and sunlight is pouring through the window by the bathroom. Justin is cooking pancakes, my favorite. I guess I should mention. Today's my birthday. The clock reads 2:39 PM. I yawn. I grab a pair of jeans and a sunset orange tee shirt. I change and brush my wavy sunlight red hair into a long curtain just under my shoulder blades. I only then realize exactly why Justin always says I'm beautiful no matter how I am. It's the truth. "Sis!" Says Justin. I walk out of the bathroom and he sets down the pancakes. "You have to meet Victoria today at four. Remember that?" It clicks in my brain. Victoria is a black haired, snappish woman who loves my expertise in weaponry and fanalettes. She wants to know all about it. Chapter Six 3:52 PM Thursday, January 14, 2035 Mayzie I walk down the hall to Victoria's room. She snaps her phone shut with a click."Hello,Maizelle Amantha Luciata. How do you do this fine afternoon?" That's bad. She knows my real name. No one knows my name but Justin, and even he calls me Mayzie. What goes through my mind next is how does she know my name? How? My question is answered in her next sentence. "The agency needs you, Mayzie. Because you are Roxie and Jacob Luciata's daughter." I respond with silence. Then Victoria hands me a drink. I don't trust it so she shoves it down my throat and instantly, I collapse to the floor. I guess it's got sedatives. I faintly recall her saying,"Good night, Maizelle."

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