çevirmek   10 yıllar önce

Bad Bones There is a Skelton which resides under my flesh. As does one in every person, they just lack realizing this. Frightening to think that maybe one day, it could jump out. Tear itself from its prison of sinew, blood, and skin. No doubt it would devour me so that my outsides were then in. At night it's terrifying as I think of the nightmare contained inside. In there plotting to emerge, leaving no place to hide. So in the dark I'm weary, wrapped in blankets tight. Hoping I can hold it in without much of a fight. Maybe it seems irrational, even quite insane. Possibly it may terrify you, the thought scratching at your brain. So remember as you walk the streets lackadaisical and unaware. That even after we're long gone, our skeletons are still there.

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