What You Don't Know I couldn't sleep, The lights were shining where I couldn't see. I wasn't crying. I wasn't brave. Back then, there, I was scared. That I would lose it all. I couldn't make myself feel happy. Not now. So I called you, I called you a hundred times. It was difficult for me to swallow, My fear and hope for you to reply. But I did call you, And through that which I called you with, I fell asleep waiting, For the ring that kept repeating, To end, A light at the end of the tunnel. So you could save me, Keep me safe. Cuddle me. Forget all strength, treat me as a little one. Be free of the fire underneath, Nothing to live up to, Anymore. But I fell asleep, waiting, You couldnt pick up, You never even noticed. So nothing and nobody knows what I feel, Who you are to me. That you're the only one who can hold Me tight and put me to sleep. That you can make me feel safe, And sound. That I love you the most. But you don't know that. Only the pillow, my heavy chest, The wrinkles below my eyes, The path my tears left me, My blanket, And what I feel asleep holding, Hoping someday, It will be your soft hands there, And not just me. That, my dear, Is what you don't know. #norhyme
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