Why Bother Warning!!! Don't read if you are easily offended or will have some kind of sarcy comment or something!!! This is just an insight into how I think on a daily basis.... Deep thinking is great... Up until the point when you decide that everything about #life is pointless and what's the point if everyone ends the same. Yeah welcome to my #life. So what is the point?? Because you can try hard or do nothing. What is the turn out? You die. If you are a creationist or believe in any God; likelihood is that you believe in some kind of after #life. And that seems ok... Until you reach the idea of hell. Then all that puts you down. Again, welcome to my #life. But what about heaven? Does it exists? Well maybe but also there is hell. So I guess really what I am saying is nothing in your #life actually impact anything ever!! Because compared to infinity, these about 100 years are nothing. And all that money that you earn and spend on materialistic things; means nothing. Because when you die, what matters? Hello and, welcome to my #life. So memories; family; friends? What happens with them? I guess the love is still there... Those memories shall stay; the good; the fun; the friend and family, what you love. Because at the end of the day, that is why love is there. To be used unconditionally with all people all good things such as #life experiences, surroundings. Because 'love your neighbour' isn't always remembered around this day and age, in fact almost everyone forgets it; myself included. Sorry but, welcome to my #life. So why be here? What does this bring? Do I even bother with exams...?? I ask these almost everyday and I believe that this is a test for the after#life to see where you belong. Whether you belong; if you have paid attention to good morals etc. But I'm not saying don't work, or get good grades because, between you and me; those people who only care about money or themselves and grades, we ought to please them and try and fit in but stand out. Prove we can show good morals but also concentrate on things other than work, school and education. But just pay attention to this and focus on what your morals and what you conscience says is good rather than paying attention to the human race. Because if a person from a country where England is on the other end of the spectrum; I might be embarrassed as to what our society has become and will become if we don't all work together as a global community to bring humanity back to our world; where communities exist and affect people across to create a better #lifestyle. Just some easygoing thoughts here. Sup; welcome to my #life.
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