Translate   10 years ago

My Time Tics By, But Your Worth It. Part 3!!!!! Toby's pov I raised the hatchet when she said "TIC TOBY PLEASE LET ME LIVE I'LL DO ANYTHING, PLEASE" she sobbed. I bent down to her level and then I cradled her face in my hands, and whispered to her "I do not fear insanity, for I already insane." Then I stood back up and raised my hatchet, when she fainted. Typical. That's what mostly happens when I there to murder something. She was on the floor her head hanging, but I stopped. The hatchet that was in my left hand froze. I tried to bring it down on her but I couldn't... ~O_O~ Her eyes were closed of course but they had a lavender tint to them when they were closed... Her mouth was in a soft frown, her lips were pinkish peach. She was just one word... Beautiful. I dropped my hatchet into my belt loop that I had made for them and picked her up, No, I wasn't going to hurt her at all. I thought about going back to Slender's Mansion, but thought against it. The others may not be so... What's the word, excited to have a non-pasta in the house, let alone a GIRL. I carried her through the house, down the stairs, and out the door, all the way to my secret hiding place when I was really mad at the others. I set her down on my thinking chair, her black hair curled around her head on the back of the chair. I left then before locking all the doors, and made my way outside, I turned with a worried glance toward the cabin. 'I hope they don't find the cabin, or more important—to me anyway—find the girl that had already stolen my heart,' I thought. Then I turned to the direction that lead to the mansion and set out toward it. She was just beautiful

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