Translate   10 years ago

Book Review :"The Fault On Our Stars" By John Green I am at a loss of words on how to describe this Beautiful,Heartwarming We open up the story to Hazel Grace, who is your average teenage girl except for the fact her body is filled with cancer and she has to carry around an oxygen tank because her “lungs suck at being lungs.” Hazel is forced to join the Cancer Kids Support Group where she meets the charming,Augustus Waters. It’s your basic teenage love story. However, even though this book is neatly placed on every teenage girl’s bookshelf including mine, there is more to it than just two sweethearts that live happily ever after. This is not, as Hazel Grace might have put it, a “Cancer Book.” This book feels real,Everything is real, especially the diseases. The thing i liked about this book is that John Green didn't try to act like cancer is ok. Let’s face it, cancer is a horrible thing. At each turn of the page you’re forced to feel the pain of Hazel’s lungs struggling to breathe and the reality that each breath she takes could be her last. Most importantly, throughout the book, Augustus and Hazel are not defined by their cancer. On every page it is clear that the story is told by someone who hasn’t known just one person with cancer, but has met a multitude of people with terminal disease. And with each person, tried to help or comfort in some way. It is for this reason that I can’t review this as an ordinary book, because it is simply extraordinary. John Green didn’t write the story for me, so I feel I have no special place to say how heartbreaking or beautiful it actually is. All I can say, really, is that i would definatly recommend it to this book others and hope they will enjoy reading it as much as i did! What i liked most on the front cover for me had to be the black and white cloud which included the author, and also the name of The book ,It really stood out on The blue background.I always seem to go for books with a Good blurb as well al nice colours,and this book ticked both of them boxes!

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