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The Sleeping Curse There once was a kingdom called Kallan. It was large, and was filled with several different extraordinary people, including the king, Stefan. He was very good with strategy, and almost always made the right choices. He married a beautiful woman named Sasha. Sasha was extremely kind, like her husband. And one day, their kingdom was blessed with a princess. All the towns folk though she would be as beautiful as her mother, and as smart, like her father, and as kind as both her parents. And three magical fairies from the three corners of the country came, dressed one all in red, one all in blue, and one all in green. They blessed her with, more beauty, more kindness and courage. But, a fourth fairy came. One banished away, due to her evil schemes. Her name, was Ma#lifecent. She "blessed" the child with a curse. On her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die, and only she, could alter or undo the curse. And after she left, all seemed hopeless. So, the king had all his spinning wheels destroyed, and gave his daughter to the fairies to watch over. But before they left the queen went to talk to them. "Please, let her have this." She said in a panicked voice. She handed the fairies a pink blanket. She walked of with them to the gates. Everyone was running around like crazy at the return of Ma#lifecent. Just as the fairies were about to fly off the queen stopped them. "One more thing. Her name, is Aurora." The fairies nodded and flew off in a panicked rush. They flew to the Far East where Ma#lifecent would never look. They waved their wands and a small, wodden cottage with a broken roof. Though it was livable. Aurora grew up happily there. Her three adopted parents were very nice, yet a little strange. They all still wore all one colour. And as time passed Aurora began to wonder why their names, rose, sky and pear matched their outfits. But, Ma#lifecent was always watching Aurora, and began to regret what she did. On Aurora's fifteenth birthday Aurora met Ma#lifecent. She showed Aurora a magical land full of magic, and wonder. A world Ma#lifecent wanted for herself. So she began to use Aurora, to get what she wanted. But one summer day Aurora asked her step parents about Ma#lifecent, and when they told her she was a cruel, evil being, Aurora confronted Ma#lifecent. Heart broken and betrayed Aurora ran into the woods, alone. But that same day, she met a boy named Phillip. He was a prince. Looking for a castle. Aurora showed the prince the way and he thanked her dearly. Everyday after that Phillip met Aurora in the woods. But as her birthday drew near Aurora saw Phillip less, and less. Ma#lifecent saw it all. Feeling sorry for her, she wanted a better #life for her, in her eyes. Two days before her sixteenth birthday Ma#lifecent cursed Aurora, again, by altering her curse into one where Aurora will fall asleep and true loved kiss will save her. But if left for two days, Aurora will turn into a witch and join Ma#lifecent. So on her sixteenth birthday, Ma#lifecent made and cursed a spinning wheel so Aurora would prick her finger on it. She did, and like Ma#lifecent said she feel asleep. The fairies brought her to the castle, noticing she was still breathing. And for the first time in fifteen years, Stefan saw his daughter. Asleep, but still there. The nurses tried to wake her up, but nothing worked. When Phillip found out he was devastated. That night was horrible, filled with tears, since the queen had died that morning. The next day something strange happened. Aurora's hair started turning white. And as the hours passed her skin became paler. The nurses were certain it was death, but the fairies weren't so sure. The next day they found Aurora's bed was ice. And in the room was snowing. The fairies needed someone who loved Aurora so he could kiss her. Phillip. Late at night they dragged Phillip by the ears to kiss her. He did. And Aurora woke up. But it was to late. Aurora was gone. What Phillip and the other caries saw was someone else. Aurora was under the sleeping CURSE. Rather than the sleeping spell which makes one sleep for a hundred years. The sleeping curse makes one's mind and sole replaced with a another created by the person who cast the spell. Aurora had turned into a white haired pale blue skinned blue dressed witch. The Queen of Snow. The Snow Queen. END OF PART 1

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