Translate   11 years ago

Strikers InsAnitY There are fantasies and fairy tales that you and me both know of. Like fairies, demons, magic, and mermaids. But if you know these people, then you believe in all of that. There is a group, a spiritual group, that's said to have elemental powers. Dark element, water element, light element, fire element, and wind element. q.q.: the water element and leader of the group, she is a medium rank which means she is mentally a person of the universe. Is a white cat with maroon water design on hair tuft, front paws, and tail. sunny: light element and next in line for leader, or that's what I would guess, she is the possessed side of q.q. or her sister. Is maroon she-cat with yellow hair tuft and stomach and tail. Striker: dark element, his father was The Lord of demons, which makes him half demon and a prince but no one mentions he's a prince for he never wanted to be part of royalty, he just likes being a rebel and he seems really good with drawing. Is black Tom with red fire designed hair tuft, red stomach and tail. Flame: fire element, he can get annoying at times. He's desperate to be known which gives striker an advantage. Cloud: wind/air element, always seems to be in a good mood, loves to help friends, is a good friend with striker and flame. Is brown Tom with silver wind design. One day Q.Q decide to go and hunt for water voles since it seems like a nice day. When she started looking for good places for voles her ear twitch as she heard a twig snap from behind her. The water started rising by her paws and circling her as she turned around to see nothing. She went flying and saw herself fall to the ground when she felt a great surge of power hit her side. She rolled over to see a black Tom with a red tail tip and stomach holder her down by her shoulders." Hello Q.Q". It was striker." Striker don't scare me like that" Q.Q said with a annoyed look on her face." Owe come on h2o I just want to have some fun". Striker skidded against the dirt as Q.Q kicked him in the stomach off of her. Striker got up with a smirk on his face as dark purple with black splotched auras formed around one of strikers front paws." Owe ju...." Striker was interrupted as he saw sunny come up from behind Q.Q." Still trying to cause fights I see". Sunny said with a smile on her face." Well I see you two found away to litturaly be two. Good for you"Striker said." Whatever weren't we going to hunt for voles" sunny said in annoyance. Q.Q nodded her head." I'll leave you to it" striker said as he walked away. He blushed as he remembered the new sunny he just saw. As striker started heading back to camp check on the queens in the nursery, he saw cloud controlling the wind." Want to race back to camp?" Striker asked." Sure why not" cloud said after clearing up the rest of the clouds. Magestic wings with red tips formed on strikers back as he jumped up to cloud."ready, set," as soon as striker said go he grabbed clouds back paws and threw him back. As striker started heading back to camp he say flame going to the clearing. Striker flew down to greet him." Hello flame" striker said. Flame smirked chuckling as he wasn't flame at all, he was a wonderer (a evil magical cat who corrupts souls and steals from others). Striker stood his ground as dark magic formed around his front paws. This wonderer was no ordinary wonderer though. He was a demon before he was banished for killing other demons. He's a orange Tom with black scratches over his eyes and paws and black hair and tail." Nice to see you again, striker". "Drako" striker said flexing his claws." I'm warning you striker, let me pass and nothing with happen to you". Dark magic formed around Strikers tail as he growled." We've met up too many times drako". "I warned you" drako said as yellow magic with red scratches came from his paws. Drako's magic went around strikers neck choking him with lifting him towards drako. Striker struggled to become free but As he got close striker burst into flames burning drako to make him let go. But drako did not let go." Wha.. What?" Striker said struggling to breath." Oh brother, have you forgotten that I'm a fire and dark element as well?" Drako said with a smirk on his face." I'll give you one more chance brother. Let me pass, and I'll be on my way" "You were never..... my brother drako. I'm not.... giving" Striker passed out after the lost of his breath. Drako walked up as his eyes started glowing a dark color." I warned you". Drakos eyes widened as a small explosion went off. Drako faded away after that. The explosion threw striker into a tree spraining is arm. END

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