Translate   11 years ago

A Demons Tale The police from the d.u.p caught snake and said they would him go if he told them how to catch demons. So he told them and they let him go. But when he started going away they double crossed him and tried catching him. He opened his wings and tried getting away but then a gaurd threw a axe at his wings and he fell to the ground he ran but they found him and captured him betraying him. I know he's a demon but keep your promises people After a while in the d.u.p snake's heart grew crooked and dark and he started not eating the food the guards gave him and he talked less and tried to stay away from people the most he could Every day the guards locked the doors but today they made a major mistake because snakes door was closed but not locked. He opened the door and put his hood down. He started banging the cuffs that covered his hands on the wall The Guards and the sirens went off. The cuff FINALY broke off snakes hands. He smirked slightly looking down at his hands The Guards came running up the stairs and snake waved his hand toward the guard and made a fist and the guard burst into flames Snake started opening all the cells holding his kind A massive group of Guards started charging towards the demons and snake swung his hands in the air towards the fence outside and a massive hole broke through the fence. The other demons ran past him as snake stood there. The Guards came closer and as they did one by one they were engulfed in flames as snake smirked Snake walked away into the forest. The next day snake woke up by a small fire in the forest." Great so this isn't a dream" snake gets up and stretches." Well, I guess it's time I start heading home".Snake thinks for a moment " then again, my home will probably be covered with the dup. I guess I'm going to have to find my own place to live now".He starts walking down the dirt path then suddenly he hears rustles behind him. He stops where he is and listens. He starts he rustles in the trees and bushes. He knows something is stalking him. Fire starts showing on snakes hands prepared for whatever he's up against. After it says he stops and listens, Snake hears a dash of footsteps behind rushing toward him and snake dodges to the side and jumps on the creature. They turn back and forth on the ground trying to get the advantage of the fight. Then snake finally wears out the creature and rolls on top and takes out his handgun and holds it to the creatures head. He finally gets a good look at the creature and finds out that its another demon. He jumps off the demon and leaps into a tree onto a branch keeping his balance "Who are you and why are you following me!" The demon gets up and looks at snake The demon leaps at snake with a dagger in his hand " why would you need to know traitor!" Snakes eyes widen and jumps to the side " what did I do!" The demon lands on the ground and stops, looking at snake." I'm Loki and I was sent from the dup to take you back" "But your a demon too! Why don't you just forget this and escape them your already out from custody " maybe because they have something I need" Loki says as he throws his knife at snake Snake dodges to the side making the knife hit a nearby tree instead " and what's so valuable that you need to catch me for!" Snake said as he jumps at Loki making him fall to the floor. "MAYBE BECAUSE THEY HAVE MY SISTER!" Loki said as he throws snake into a tree Loki dashes at snake and holds a knife at his neck with a large growl on his face "Woah Woah wait" "Look with my help we could get her out of there. Just trust me" snake said as he gently moves the knife away from his neck "And why should I trust you! You betrayed the dup!" "Maybe because I know the place and you don't! ALSO I'm not the one that betrayed them, they betrayed me" snake said as he started raising his voice. Loki looks side to side." Fine, but then after this then were back to our regular lives hating each other ok?" Snake smirks "Ok" Loki looks over at snake " ok so how do we get in without being seen?" " easy, do you know what cell your sisters in?" Snake says with a smile and his faceLoki pauses for a moment." Nope" Snake face palms himself." Well then this is going to be difficult. How many knifes do you have?" " 2 daggers, three kitchen knifes, and one katana( Japanese sword)" " hmm. Ok this could work but you need to have my back the whole time ok" snake says as he watches the guards Loki nods Loki and snake go to the roof and open a vent Snake and Loki jump through the vent and land on the top floor Snake sees about 20 guards on the top floor " owe s***" snake pulls out his hand gun and starts running down the halls Loki takes out his daggers and follows " look around for your sister's cell while I get these guys. I can take them." Loki nods and runs down another hall Snake gulps and jumps to the ceiling and holds himself there with his feet and hands supporting him on the walls The guards run past and snake jumps down behind them " missed me?" Snake says as fire shows from his hands The guards pull out there guns and start shooting snake starts running and jumps against a wall and lands on a guard and kills him. Snake jumps up and and shoots at the guards with his hand gun. A bullet hits one of snakes ears but he does his best to ignore it. Meanwhile Loki finds the area with all the cells from bottem floor to top " lots of cells" Loki runs down the halls looking through all the cell doors. Loki hears a medium pitch voice call his name on the 5th floor. It's his sister He jumps down and lands on the fifth floor Guards hear that 2 intruders have broke into the dup and about 50 guards run to the fifth floor Meanwhile snake kills about 15 guards then about 30 guards run towards him A terrified look runs across snake's face and he runs down another hall to find Loki. He starts reloading his gun as he does so He finds a mac10 on the floor next to a dead guard and he picks up the gun as he runs past" I'm going to need as many guns as I can find for this" Snake finally finds Loki but the dup have him surrounded. Snake jumps down to the fifth floor." YOLO!" Snake lands on the fifth floor and shoot 5 guards in the head with his mac10 Snake and Loki are back to back killing guards left and right Loki grabs snake by the arms and swings him around and snake kicks the guards in the face knocking them out Snake grabs a machine gun" grab me and fly in the air!!!" Snake said as he prepares himself with the machine gun Loki opens his wings and flies up and snake starts shooting all the guards below Loki flies back down " hurry get your sister out and let's go!!" Loki opens the cell door and his sister hugs him Guards run up the stairs Snake grabs Loki and his sisters arm and runs Loki makes snake let go and he throws his kitchen knifes at the guards behind They get to the fence out side and Loki and his sister jump over " wait where's...." Loki is interrupted as he hears struggling behind him The guards have been able to grab snake and are trying to pull him inside Loki stands there staring for a. Second " Loki help please I need you!!" Loki pauses for a moment then he finally jumps into the dup again and throws his daggers at the guards arms making them let go of snake " I knew I could trust you" snake says as he jumps over the fence with Loki They run as fast as they can for they know the the dup is following " there!" Snake says as he points to a water fall. The three jump through the water fall into a small cave "we made it" Loki said As soon as they start to relax snake started to cough Loki looked over and he saw that snake was coughing up blood There was blood all over snakes jacket but Loki thought it was the guards blood. Snake accually got shot a couple times and snake is just now giving in " oh no he's bleeding!!" Loki's sister rips a peice of her sleeve off and puts it over snakes wounds to stop the bleeding. Loki lays snake down against a large rock " snake stay with us!" Snake blacks out He wakes up in a bed somehow "What.... Where am I" Snake gets up but then he feels the pain in his chest and stomach He gets up anyways and walks downstairs To his surprise he finds Loki and his sister downstairs in the kitchen Where are we " well you blacked out and Paige here had a house nearby so we carried you over here and we put u in bed and now your awake" Loki said as he was making hot chocolate Snake stood there for a second "so let me get this straight. I almost died, you took me to your sisters house and now it's just... All over?" " well sort of. You still need to get better and the dup is still looking for you. And now they want u dead." Paige said as she handed snake a glass of milk " are you kidding me! That's not sort of over, that's not over at all!!!" Snake says as his hands get so tight that the glass of milk breaks Snake walks towards the door " where are you going" Loki says as he drinks his hot chocolate " I'm going for a walk" he said as he opened the door and walks off Snake walks down the path and jumps into a tree relaxing for a bit. Snake thinks back to what all has happened so far. Tears run down his face as he stares up at the night sky Snake starts heading back at 125 As he heads back suddenly he hears a loud BANG!! and a sharp terrific pain flows through his back He puts he hands around he stomach only to see blood flowing over his hands Snake falls to the ground and just before he closes his eyes he can see feet walking toward him and he looks up and sees yellow eyes staring down at him He blacks out He wakes up to find himself barred to a chair The door opens and the lights flick on Snake looks around the room to see a bloody table with many sharp objects " well, well, well. If it isn't my old companion snake" Snake recognizes the voice immediately." Chase..." A pale skinned demon with half of his face metal He looks kind of like a cyborg but demon version instead " yes it's me. I'm happy to know you still remember me snake" he says as he runs his hand across snakes face Snake shakes his head knocking chases hand away " hmm you want to be a bitch now do you!" Chase slaps snake hard in the face leaving snake wincing in pain " if you keep acting like that your going to get yourself killed much sooner then you may like" chase says and he move the bloody table closer Snake struggles to escape." Owe please there's no use trying ur going to be stuck there for a while. Get use to it" chase says as he looks through the tools Snake looks up at chase." You know, your a coward for trying to knock me out with a bullet instead of hand to hand combat" Chase looks back at snake." I thought you would have listened to my warning" he says as he takes a knife and cuts snakes arm. Snake shakes as the pain flows through him "Hehehe you seem weeker then last time. Did the dup make you forget how to take a hit?" Snake growls at chase, his eyes burning with hatred Chase walks behind snake." Maybe I can help you by making the dup think your not a demon. Starting with your tail." snakes eyes widen with shear terror Chase puts a cloth over snakes mouth so he can't scream Chase finds a sharp chain and walks behind snake and starts grabbing his tail Snake struggles the best he can and tries to scream the loudest he could Chase gets a firm grip on snakes tail. Snake starts welling with tears as he struggles more then he remembers he can turn his tail tips into axes He swings his tail at chases arms making him let go of the chain and his tail " you little b****!" Chase grabs the end of his tail so he can't move it Snake knows he can't do anything this time so he does his best to shift the cloth off of his mouth He FINALY gets the cloth off Snake closes his eyes and makes his own body burst into flames Chases hands burn " you know what! I'm tired of this s***!" Chase goes and gets his knife and fast paced walks up to snake Snakes eyes widen as chase goes for the throat Before chase can do any thing his knife gets knocked out of his hand by a dagger IT'S LOKI " I hope I'm not inturrupting anything" Loki says as he walks toward chase " accually you are so how about you leave" chase says as he picks up the knife and throws it at Loki Loki easily dodges to the side He grabs chases arm tightly and gets in his face " if I ever find you doing this again it will be more then just some arms and. A face there going to have to work on" Chase runs off " basturt" Loki mutters as he frees snake from the chair " thank you" Loki and snake start heading back to the house " so who was that?" Loki asks. "..." Snake does not respond " hey are you ok?" " yes I'm fine" snakes says as he walks ahead THE NEXT DAY Snake lays in his bed awake staring at the ceiling He sits up and looks out the window He opens the window and climbs onto the roof Snake finds a nearby lake He jumps to the ground and walks over to the lake As he reaches the lake he takes off his jacket and shirt and goes for a swim Snake finds the water fall he blacked out in and swims over He peeks through the water fall and sees chase " hello snake" chase says with a smirk on his face Chase lunges at snake knocking both of them into the water Chase grabs a hold of snakes neck and they both sink to the bottom of the lake Chase stands on the lake floor " you might be a good fire element... But I wonder if your used to this much water like I am" Chase squeezes snakes neck making all of his air release Chase swims up still holding onto snake " why aren't you doing anything to stop me! Have you lost your fun!!" Snake smirks as chase throws him at a tree on shore "Owe so its a fight you want? Hmm ok, as you wish" Snakes whole body bursts into flames and his tail tips turn into axes and his teeth grow sharp Snake does a hand gesture inviting chase to make the first move. Chase dashes at snake as he pulls out his chains for a weapon Snake dodges to the side and quickly kicks chase in the face. Chase gets up and punches snake in the stomach but snake blocks with his arms Chase soon gets engulfed in the flames around snake yet he does not scream in pain. " did I forget to mention that I got a upgrade to where I can stand more then 145 degrees now Snake growls and kicks chase in the side making him crash into a tree Chase smirks as snake walks above him holding his handgun to chases head " owe and another thing I forgot to mention... I'm not alone this time" as chase says this demons appear above the water fall and some appear from behind or in trees. They all point there guns at snake " I suggest you run" chase says as he stands up Snake runs off grabbing his jacket and shirt in his hands " KILL HIM" chase says pointing at snake Snake puts on his shirt and jacket as he runs The demons start racing after snake " IM THE ONE THAT HELPED YOU ESCAPE FROM THE DUP AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME!!!" snake says as he runs to the side Snake runs by Paige's house and picks up his mac10 off the floor in the grass He runs faster and faster then he suddenly stops making the demons run Infront of him slightly He loads his guns quickly and shoots at the demons not moving He feels a gun against his back and snake stabs the demon with his tail killing Him As soon as snake kills the demons he hears a loud BOOM come from not so far away Snake runs up to see what it is and he sees Paige's house is on fire " no....NO!!!" Snake runs up to the house and knocks down the door He sees Loki and Paige both on the floor unconcious. He picks them up on his shoulders and runs out of the house and puts them on the dirt path " guys wake up... PLEASE!!" Snake feels a gun to the back of his head " well you see what happens when you mess with me." Snake recognizes chases voice Chase notices that snakes twitching." I can tell your terrified" Snake doesn't turn around " face it. They're not coming back" Tears run down snakes wide eyes as he stares at his friends " you're lonely, scared, confused.... Well I can take that all awa...." Chase was inturrupted as snake yells in shear rage as he stands up Snake turns around his eyes completely white and with tears running down Snakes whole body was in flames Yet it seemed different this time The fire seemed a lot larger and way more hot Chase realized he wouldn't be able to stand that much heat Snake walked up to chase " stay back! I'm sorry ok!!" Snake laughed." Oh as soon as you know your screwed you finally surrender huh?.. You're a bastard and a coward. That's all you'll ever be" Snake grabbed chases head." This is the last time I ever let you live." Chases head starts to melt and then snake breaks chases neck killing him instantly Snake finally calms down and his eyes go normal but then he passes out for that was a lot of power he just used. Loki wakes up to see that his sisters house is burned down He looks over and sees snake on the ground next to a burning corpse Loki got up and shook his sister up Paige noticed snake Loki started shaking snake trying to get him up Snake opens his eyes slowly He sees Loki and Paige and snake jumps up and hugs them " for now on either me or Paige is going to stay with you at all times ( next day) The three wake up by a fire Snake gets up looking around " we need to find a safe place to live" snake says as he jumps into a tree He looks around for anywhere that might be good " ugh I can't find anything... Snake" " I mean Loki" " yeah" Loki says as he looks over "Can u get a birds eye view for me" snake says as he jumps down Paige turns into a bat and flies through the house quietly Snake jumps into the window and lands in the dark bathroom Loki closes his wings and goes through the front door rolling his eyes Snake opens the silently and looks around He find a man watching tv Snake doesn't want to use his hand gun for its too loud " sure" Loki opens his wings and flies up Loki sees a mansion " I found this sweet mansion we could take" Loki said " ok " snake walks ahead of the group " wait up" Paige says as she catches up with snake Loki closes his wings and follows ( few hours later) The three end up in front of the large house " ok so what are we going to since some people are going to be in there?" Snake asks as he looks up at any opened windows " assassination of course" Loki says as a smile appears on Paige's face " ok then" a smirk comes on snakes face Loki carries snake to a open window and Paige turns into a falcon and follows " ok guys make the least amount of noise you possibly can. Also, Loki.." " what?" " I'm going to need to borrow your kitchen knife" " pfft nah your going to have to get one from the house's kitchen" Loki says with a grin on his face. Snake growls under his breath" fine" He quietly takes one step after the other Then the floor creeks Snakes eyes widen as the man turns around The man quickly pulled out his own gun and started trying to shoot at snake " OWE CRAP!" Snake said as he dashed through the door Snake runs into the kitchen grabbing the largest knife he could find Loki finds snake " DUDE U CAN'T USE YOUR HAND GUN!" " THAT WASN'T ME!" Snake says as the man runs into the kitchen Loki runs into another room as snake parkours over the kitchen table and stabbing the man in the chest multiple times. Snake takes a deep breath Paige find a women in bed with a man in a embrace. She rolls her eyes and screaches at a high pitch breaking the tv screen. The adults see Paige as a bat "Kill it!" They say as Paige turns into a Siberian white tiger She leaps on the woman and rips off her head and then she turns into a black mamba and jumps into the mans mouth slithering down his throat She finds his heart and she bites the heart off of all the veins and swallows his heart while its still beating The mans dies instantly Mean while Loki finds a group of peaple in the backyard He jumps off the porch Stabbing a woman straight through her chest with his katana He throws his dagger at the mans heart killing him. And then Loki finds a little girl on the floor staring at Loki Loki walks over to the girl and knocks her out making her have amnesia and the Loki takes her to a far away park Loki comes back with all the family members dead Loki crouches down putting his arm out letting Paige slither up onto his shoulders and then she turns back into a demon Snake comes to join them " alright now that we have the dirty work done we can relax for now Part 8 of a demons tale " we're probably going to want to kill the neighbors too." Snake says as he stares at the ceiling " yeah so nobody can get suspicious and call the cops from this neighborhood" Loki said " and the more houses the more places to hide from the dup Paige says " yeah. Good point." Snake says as he gets up " can we start tommorow though. I'm tired" Paige said " ok . I get the guest bedroom. You two can have this room or the master bedroom if you want." Snake says as he walks away ( next day) Loki wakes up before anyone else He opens the window silently and jumps out getting a start on the neighbor hood before the others He walks down to the back of the neighbor hood and finds the perfect house He knocks on the door A woman comes and opens the door " hello how may I help...." She was inturrupted as Loki stabbed her in the chest Loki snapped his fingers and a demon dogs appeared by his side The dog took the woman and dragged her away eating her and Loki walked inside Loki found a teen girl isolated in her room and Loki walked in " who are you ?" Loki stabs a shot with a medicine for demons." Your new trainee and savvier from this world" The girl turned into a demon and she fell to the floor The dog took the girl and dragged her away Loki jumped out the window going to the next house Not yet I just started I'm just thinking I NEED MORE TIME Loki's demon dog tugs at Lokis legs and he turns around Loki gets hit in the face to see a black and white figure Infront of him The figure disappears in front of him " he he he" Loki hears laughs all around him Loki takes out his knife " owe please, how can you hit something you can't see" Loki growls " owe you always were the one to put up a fight Loki" Lokis eyes widen" pitch?" " owe so now you remember brother?" " go back to hiding under beds boogy man" Loki says as he walks out the house " owe like you have anything better brother" pitch says as he puts his hand on Lokis shoulder Loki shakes pitches hand of his shoulder" actually I have much more then just a few beds to hide under" " owe you mean my sister in law and that little friend of yours" Loki stops where he is and turns around " you look here pitch. I will kill you if u even try getting them" " oh don't you worry. I promise not to lay a finger on them" Pitch dissapears and Loki walks down the street Loki walked down the street starting to get worried about snake and Paige He shakes his head and moves to the next house

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