Translate   11 years ago

Forever And Always The hardest thing to go through is losing someone so close to you, and knowing that it's not your fault, and there was nothing wrong between us, but they just don't feel the same about you. I have never felt this kind of pain, I want nothing but the best for him, and I wish him happiness and joy. Yet, I want to be selfish and I want him back. I don't know if he will ever come back to me, but all I can do is wait, I will go through everything, I will cry, I will listen and be there when he is in need, I will calm him, give him advice and lift him up when he is down. I will be his friend, because I'd rather live my #life with him as a friend, than live without him at all! People tell me I'm being ridiculous, and that I should move on, how can I move on, if nothing was wrong! I know what I want in the future, and it's him, we're good for each other, and still love each other very much, he has just lost his way, but I won't stop. I will fight for something I love, I'm not going to lose something so precious and so dear to me this easily. As long as it takes, I will wait, patiently, quietly, with nothing but love in my heart and hope! Hope that one day, he will wake up and realise that he does want to be with me, that he'll come to me with open arms and hold me and tell me he's sorry and he was being stupid, that I am the one for him! Forever and Always, I love you.

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