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The Hidden Truth - The Capture Chapter 2 coming soon! Chapter 1 Twyla "Leading up to the World War 2, Hitler and the Nazi Party became very popular. Hitler's voice was convincing at the Kapp Putsch and the Nazi party were seen as strong and successful" Seth and I sit next to each other in our History class. You can say I am a bit of a 'geek', untamed brunette hair and geeky glasses. I very much enjoy school, especially equestrian studies, art and history. I combined my passions and hobbies into one and have painted a few historical paintings of cavalry in war which my dad took pride in and hung them up in our 1 story, 3 bedroom bungalow. My family is small but strong, I love my family and would always put them first. My mum left us 13 years when I was just 4 years old and my brother was 2. I have never forgiven my mum for leaving us when times were tough, my dad said that his friend had just been kidnapped a week before she turned and left us and he had just been diagnosed with cancer. Luckily my dad had chemotherapy and it has not returned since. My dad, Riley Jones, former English teacher at my school (yes you can say that is highly embarrassing), has always said that he loved my mother dearly and it is was out of the ordinary for her to have left but what would I know, I was merely a toddler starting primary school. My younger brother Sebastian Jones is 2 years younger than me and is a major Lord of the Rings fanboy, his dream is to find a Lord of the Rings fangirl to be his very own Arwen. For his sake he has a short best friend and they share a bro-tp over Legolas and Gimli. Anyway back to my own unsociable #life. Seth is tall for his age with dark brown slightly curly hair and a stubble around his chin. He regularly goes out to parties because he is in the group rich and popular at Moure Heights (which is where we go to school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and have been for the past 5 years). I will never understand how rich and popular Seth is friends with me, who is classified as a geek at school and countless times been asked by other geeks to join the schools history and maths club. He is busy being class clown whilst I make notes about Hitler and the Nazi Party in both our history books. "Mr Anscombe? Have you recorded this information down, it may come up in your exam paper next week?" Exams are stressful times in everyones lives, and mine are next week. I had been studying every night and had no social #life outside of school for the last month. Seth on the other hand passed history with flying colours, without the studying. Seth turned around from joking with our friend Matt. I could tell Matt was trying to hold in the laughter but for him its difficult to not laugh at serious times. I would know, I have been friends with him since my mum left. Matt and I had dated for nearly 2 years when we were in Year 9 but I recently broke up with him because school work and studying for upcoming exams was stressful; I could not deal with a boyfriend who wanted to go out regularly with me on the sidelines. "I have indeed wrote about the way Hitler manipulated the German people Mrs West for I was there.'' He stood up and stared into the distance as though he was standing at the beer hall in Germany watching Hitler making a speech, he carried on saying "Hitler and the Nazi's barged into a government speech and took centre stage. I remember it as though it were yesterday" Everyone in the class laughed, I kept my head down and giggled. I can feel someone is staring at me, I slightly lift my head to see Isaac looking at me, the quiet boy at the back of the class. Seth sat down after Mrs West threatened to give him a detention. The bile in my stomach was rising fast. If I didnt want to puke my guts out in front of my history class then I needed to get to the girls bathroom. Now. Uh-oh I can feel it coming through my oesophagus. I ran to the classroom door and out into the hall. Mrs West's voice is echoing down the corridor and my foot steps are bouncing off the walls. But there is someone following me, I don't have 2 pairs of feet, do I? The walls feel like they are caving in on me. I stretched my arm to open the door into the girls bathroom and went into the nearest cubicle. After the worst part was over, the bathroom door crashed violently on the wall. "She needs you. She needs you back." the voice was malicious. I had heard this voice before, but where? "Who are you?" I opened the cubicle door ever so slightly and peeked through the gap to an empty room. I walked to the sinks to wash my hands and looked into the mirror. My eyes. My eyes are changing colour; the are changing from hazel brown to red... Red? Why would they change red? Then the smell hit my nostrils like a thoroughbred hitting the finishing line in the Kentucky State Derby. Blood. It smelt hot and rich and it smelt like it was close. I opened the bathroom door and looked down the hallway to see a very tall man leaning against a girl up against the wall. He opened his mouth and cruelly said to the girl "I will find you and I will kill you, again" The floor creaked underneath me and the man dropped the girl like a lion drops his kill. He turned towards me and ran for me. I turned as fast as I could and made a run for it down the hall. The weight of his body threw me to the floor and he stood on my arms. I'm completely helpless. I screamed for help but no one heard me. He picked me up and held me against the wall "Why were you running dear Twyla. Oh my Dear am I hurting you?" I tried to wriggle free but his grip only tightened. I looked into his eyes. Into the black darkness of his eyes and saw him for what he truly was. A vampire. Seth was a vampire. ****** "Twyla! Earth to Ty. Ty wake up!" I opened my eyes to Seth and Matt looking over me. "Twyla are you okay? One minute you were writing notes about how Hitler manipulated the Germans and the next you collapsed. Are you okay?" I collapsed? "My head hurts a little bit but how long was I out for?" "Twyla you were out for about 15 minutes. You were screaming. What happened?" Matt was concerned, the part between his eyebrows crinkled together. Everyone was staring at me and all the pair of eyes staring at me made me feel sick. "I have to leave." I ran out the classroom without looking behind me and ran down the hall towards the girls bathroom, just like in my 'dream'. But it wasn't like my dream for I was stopped... by Isaac. He caught up with me and turned me around. "What happened Twyla, what did you see?" How did he know? He knows that I saw something. But how did shy and quiet Isaac know? I didn't really know much about him, I only know that he is rich and keeps himself to himself and I only know that because a girl in my equestrian studies, Leah Shaw, always spreads gossip in our riding lessons. "I saw Seth. He was not human. He threw me on the floor and shouted at me. Some girl said that she needed me but I don't know who she was referring to." Why was I saying all this to him. I looked straight into his sparkling grey eyes and the last thing I remember is running from the classroom into the girls bathroom.

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