Traduzir   11 anos atrás

The Blackwood Flyer With great power, the rather large bird-like creature swooped down low. Stories above many shaven men, it flew. They all looked up at this great prophecy. A tale told for many a century. The Blackwood flyer, the largest thing to have ever touched the sky. The men wished to indulge themselves to the soaring glory. A sacrifice they were each born to make. Black, scorched feathers fell upon the group of shadowed followers. Hence the name Blackwood flyer, a few unseen feathers, all black as used firewood floated on the breeze. The semiconscious souls prayed for a feathers touch, waited for their impact and what came after. Men, young and old, reached out, competing to be the one. One chosen by this great God. All but one single feather, a silent light of ember against the darkening sky, turned to ash and disappeared into the cool breeze. All but one, this speck of black turned to red, a spark of #life meant to take another. With a single brush of the fingers this little spark would ignite to fiery blaze, but before sheathing this power, a young boy is too be chosen, one youthful and pure. In the end its just ashen remains. Disappointment and cheer both filled the air as a #life is carried away. One chosen by this visitor. A creature strait from the legends. A tale told many a century is sure to be told again and again for many a century more.

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