Translate   11 years ago

Love Angel Beautiful love angel, your home is in the sky. I call to you quite often even when my tears run dry. I call to you love angel asking for your love, to uplift me bc I'm sad..I need you from above. Spread your wings of love And spread your wings of light. Touch me with your angel hands and please visit me each night. I need your love I need your angelic hugs, I need your embrace..and please make sure to always wear that beautiful smile on your face. Wrap me in your arms of love, fill me with your might. Hear me out when I call to you and say my prayers each night. Beautiful love angel, the one I call my Chris my goofy 'who dat' my joy and ultimate bliss. The one I am grateful to have had in my #life the one who I will always miss. Beautiful love angel Your home is in the sky, but your love is always right here in my heart. Please hear my words for you and hold me as I cry. Beautiful love angel your love and spirit will be honored and may it always follow me. Bc you are so special in my heart you will always be. Beautiful love angel I am calling please come down and visit me.

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