Under One Roof Chapter 3 Three cream walls and a baby blue wall in the centre. Fitted cream wardrobes, one on the left and one on the right. In the middle stood a cream chest of draws, which was the home of a 36" plasma - blue. A cream double bed rested parallel to the draws, which a blue and cream speckled quilt lay upon, with matching pillows. I drew a breath, taking in my new room. In the middle of my room, my suitcase was placed, untouched. Walking over to it, I pulled it onto my bed and unzipped it. My eyes watered, seeing what was the last thing I packed... It was a picture of me and my mum when we went to the lake for the weekend. We didn't have enough money for a fancy abroad holiday, so we used to go to the lake in a little wooden cabin, heated only by the log fire. It was lovely. We went in winter, when we could get skates and fly over the iced over water; light the log fire and drink hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows; go for walks in the crisp white woods, where the trees have a layer of snow on them and the grass is frosted. By this point, I had tears streaming down my face and the photograph hugged into my chest. 'Mummy...I miss you...' I spoke to the memory, inked into the glossy paper... "I miss all our times together... I miss our town... I miss England... I miss being home alone for hours on end - even though it really annoyed me, when you over worked... I miss your cooking, your burnt cooking... I miss your artistic creations and our little backyard, crammed with flowers that were every colour of the rainbow... I miss you mummy..." "I'm sure she misses you too" a familiar voice said softly.
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