It's Not Fair! " Why do we have to go to the Supermarket?" Wailed Robert. "Do you want to starve to death?" Asked his mother "No, der" said Robert weirdly " so that's why we're going so you can have good health, now off we go," smiled his mother When they got to the down-runned Asda they found a place to park, got a trolley and went in through the automatic door. " I want to sit in the TROLLEY!" Screamed Robert " no dear, that's only for babies but your nine so no" said his mum. When they passed the toy section mum couldn't get of their any faster. "One second mum" cried Robert. Their sitting right in front of him was the mutant-s blaster 60 their was only 90 of them made in Britain. " Sick, MUM!" Bellowed an astonished little boy An another boy wanted that blaster and he wasn't giving up without a fight. Both raced to their parents, scowling at each other. "Mum!" they both cried at the same time

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