The golden door handle turned easily in his hands and he pocketed his keys. He leaned into the door, to sound of yelling quickly rushed to his ears. Worry surged through the teen, and he entered the home. "I don't care! I refuse to care for that THING anymore!" The teen crept deeper into the house. "How could you say that?! You loved him just as much as I do! If I recall correctly, you wanted kids!" His backpack was placed carefully on the floor. He was nearing the kitchen. "Yeah, I wanted normal children! That beast is not a kid! Hell, he isn't even our kid!!" SMACK! The painful sound of skin on skin made the house dead silent for a moment. The teen looked around the corner. His mom stood tall in the middle of the room. Her right hand returning to her side. She tossed her cinnamon colored hair over her shoulders. The teens father slowly turned his head to look at her. His palms where pressed on the counter behind him. He was cornered. A sick grin spread across his reddened face. In a quick motion he flung open the nearest drawer. His fingers curled around a carving knife, and he rapidly approached his wife. The wife began to back up, her eyes wide with terror. Anger surged into the teen, and without thinking he ran into the kitchen. "Get away from her!" His father barely had time to react as he was tackled into the back door. The knife grazed the teen before clattered to the floor. "Donavan!" A cry of concern came from the mother. The two people crashed to the floor. A irate snarl came from the teen as his fingers curled around his fathers neck. Claws peaked out of the tips of the teens fingers as he squeezed the mans neck. "Bastard," snarled the teen as he glared at the person under him. The man's face was turning purple, and his mouth was open in a desperate attempt to get air. "Donavan!" A light hand yanked back on the teens collar. He gaged as he was pulled back sharply. His hands slipping from the man's neck, faint lines from the claws appeared on the husband's neck. Donavan fell back on his rear, the firm grip still on his shirt collar. Color gradually came back to the man's face. He sat up and tenderly touched his neck. His eyes where wide with disbelief, and he flinched at the quickly forming bruises. "Get out!" His wife said strongly. Her grip on Donavan completely dependent on the husband's next move. Not wanting to do that again, the man quickly got up. He glared at Donavan as he walked by. Donavan narrowed his eyes which glowed a strong green color. A sleek tail curling around the teen, the furry tip twitched with irritation and anger. The man left without another word. As soon as the door clicked shut, Donavan's mom nearly collapsed onto him. She gripped his yellow tee as she buried her face in his shoulder. Her small sobs echoed around the room. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She wouldn't stop apologizing to him. The words drilled into his head. "I love you." "What-" Donavan stopped himself as his voice came out as a growl. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Why are you sorry?" His mom sniffled a bit as she whipped her tears, she tightened her grip on his shirt. "We never told you." Tears began to flow over her face again. "We loved you so much. We didn't know how you would react if you knew. I'm afraid you won't love me anymore." She whimpered as just the idea of loosing her only son made her heart break. Donavan shrugged slightly, "I sort of already guessed that you weren't my birth parents..." He grabbed the end of his tail. The tip twitched madly in his fist. Donavan plucked at one of the black stands of fur in the batch of white ones. Pain raced up his back as the one strand was ripped out, but he didn't flinch. "We aren't exactly alike. But I still love you. You're my mom." A grateful smile came to his mom's face, and she hugged him. Her cheek resting on his shoulder. His yellow tee had a dark patch from all her tears. "Thank you so much."

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