Translate   11 years ago

Topaz 1 Beyond a world of our own lives another not dissimilar in a first glance. Though this parallel universe is in fact identical, it has hidden secrets. #life forms that are just in reach of our limited imaginations. Ladened by myth and legend it is cursed by magic, but this curse can't be broken by a single kiss. "Father, please my you pass the salt?" Elias asked fearfully. The salt was chucked towards him without a word. Time to leave. Elias's father was in the middle of one of her outrages. He had learnt it's best to get out of the way when this happens. "Elias how about you go and finish your homework?" His mother asked sensing the growing tension in the air. Nodding silently and giving his mum a brief glance of relief he vacated the room. Once he was out he sprinted up the wooden stairs and along the corridor which screeched in uproar of his heavy footing. "Be quiet boy!" Screamed his father loud enough to be heard from beyond the house. Elias flinched and heard his mother trying to reason with his dad. It was no use. She was just going to get into another fight. Yeah, there they go. Elias shielded his ears from his dad's rant. "I never want to see you again!" His mum cried as she slammed the door. His mum had left again. She would be back soon to get him, he hoped. Of course she would what was he thinking? Elias started to gather his clothes into a tatty old bag. It had been his uncles before he had disappeared. His uncle was a nice man. Always helping his mum out when his father went off in a tantrum. His name was Henry and everyone assumed he had died. He was an inventor you see and he tried many crazy attempts to make a portal. Something to link them to other worlds. So naturally he was a known mad man to all except Elias and his mother. Well one day something went wrong and he just disappeared. Nobody had heard of him since. In his will he had left Elias the bag which Elias treasured deeply. It was brown and used with a little crest on the side. It had come with a notebook filled with nonsense and drawings of mythical creatures. Elias couldn't work out what they were but found them fascinating never the less. He folded his clothes quietly and prayed for his mother to come soon but to no avail. Two hours later and he was still sitting on his bed staring out the window of the tall Victorian house. Nobody came up the grimy street. "Come on! Why aren't you coming? Don't leave me here," whispered Elias his face pressed against the window. Frost gripped the corners and the sky threatened to pour with snow. Then he had no chance of leaving the house. He would be trapped until the end of winter. He shook away the negative though. No, his mum would be here. Footsteps. They were coming closer. Up the stairs and onto the creaky corridor. His father would have a go at him. He couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't angry. Just scared of another beating. Anger didn't come naturally. Elias thought of hiding under the bed but he would be found soon enough. He scuttled to the wardrobe and hid behind the back layer of coats. It was dark and musty but he couldn't be seen. His bedroom's door banged open and his dad stormed in looking drunk. "Where are you boy? Get out here now you idiot!" He slurred turning over the rickety table which crashed to the ground in several pieces. Elias shuddered from inside the wardrobe trying not to breathe too loudly. His dad stumbled towards the oak structure. Dizzy from the alcohol he crashed into the side making Elias gasp. Quickly Elias grasped his hand over his mouth but the damage was done. His father has heard him and violently ripped open the wooden door. "Get out now. That's it I'm coming in!" Growled his dad as he pushed through the winter coats piled up on the hangers. Elias stumbled backwards and felt a handle on the side panel. He quickly pulled the hidden door open and scurried through, gently closing it behind him. His dad's screams slowly faded away as Elias wandered away from the door and through the stone passage way. It was dark and he couldn't see his hands in front of his face. There was noway he could go back though. He had to see where this led him and then find his mother. She would be there waiting for him he was sure. Elias stumbled over some steps leading up to another door. He used the wall as a guide feeling his way along. He went slowly up the staircase and found the handle to the door. He opened it quietly scared someone was at the other end. Light flooded into the hallway and half blinded him. Elias stepped into the room and looked around. He wasn't sure where he was but he knew his uncle had lived next door so gathered that this was his house. It was a strange little room with a window in the ceiling. He must have been in the attic as there was a trap door leading down the the next level. He tried it and it was locked shut. So he was stuck here. Quickly he searched the room. Now he was sure it was his uncle's inventing room. It had all kinds of clockwork and potions on the broken shelves that covered all four walls. What was the most interesting item was a small bird table filled with green liquid. Next to it were bottles of different coloured liquids. They were labeled with red ink in his uncles neat handwriting. Curious, Elias picked up the nearest bottle labeled 'TOPAZ'. He popped the glass top off and tipped a drop of the blue fluid into the pool. It clashed with the green and they started swirling around each other making patterns. Elias looked closer in amusement then dipped his finger in and splashed it about making new patterns. It seemed to be making pictures like the ones he saw in the notebook. He had the bag on him with the notebook inside. Suddenly a dark red picture appeared in the pool. A monster from a dark nightmare stared through the liquid. A flash of red blood lit up the room like a lightning strike. Elias made a squeal and hit the floor. He drifted in and out of consciousness. Around him the scene changed. Eventually the loft disappeared and Elias woke up in the centre of a forest clearing. All alone. TO BE CONTINUED...

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