Translate   11 years ago

Let Go. I've been thinking all day That I'm locked in your tower Still tight in your grasp Still under your power I anxiously wait For you to look my way From minutes to hours From hours to days I hang on to times When you say that you care And say you're not gone That you'll always be there But these glimmers of hope Are just dragging me down Tonight they built up And I started to drown And that's when the realization Just hit me I must let you go In order to be free No more of this 'Maybe she'll text me today' I'm taking that thought And tossing it away There's no way that I can Just focus on me While letting you come And go as you please So do not call Or text or write I'll say hi at work Just to be polite I'm shutting you out So that I can keep healing Don't need anymore Of this shit that you're dealing And if you should find That it's me that you're missing You won't get me back With all of your ass kissing The answer today And forever is no I'm taking me back And I'm letting you go.

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