Translate   11 years ago

Descent: Intro Intro The knight became nothing but a black blur as the battle went on, never missing a beat in the twisted symphony of death. The sword, as black as the knight's armor slashed through opponents like they were nothing but butter. The knight continued to fight, leaving nothing but bodies and pools of blood in the wake. Yes, a ruthless and bloodthirsty monster towards all who dared to stand in the path. Bloody bodies were strewn all around the battlefield, magnificent silver and gold wings unfurled from their backs. The blood splattered stood out against the silver shimmer and golden glimmer of the wings. Only five others accompanied the knight in the battle against the legions of winged adversaries. To the right, a young woman with dark brown hair dual wielded bloody daggers, singing as she sliced at her foes. Her eyes had appeared to be pitch black as they glinted in the light of the full moon. Not far away from her, a man with stark white hair bit and slashed at his opponents with clawed hands and razor teeth. Another man with gray streaked hair fought with a spear. A red haired demon fought with a sword nearby. On a low cliff to the far left, an archer fired quick as lightning. Wielding a knife, one of the winged warriors lashed out at the archer, the edge of the blade dug itself into his face. The archer snarled and shouted something at his foe before the creature reached forward and pried the bow from his hands, snapping it in half. This action caused the broken weapon to dissolve into a fine-white powder in the winged creature's hand. He sheathed the small knife, allowing the powder from the bow to blow away with the wind. He took out a sword that that shone radiantly in the moon. This particular creature's silvery feathered wings were significantly grander than the others. He had hair dark as night and his eyes were a deep midnight blue that caught the light of the stars. He had the hardened face of a warrior who'd seen many battles and so much Death. "I will slay you quickly, demon." He assured the archer. The archer spat at the swordsman's feet, "You disgust me." He snarled, "Blindly following the will of someone who claims to be so powerful and yet does nothing to stop the world he created from collapsing into chaos. You beings claim to be all about honor and yet, you are about to slay an unarmed opponent...there is no honor in that." The winged man looked surprised, then sorrowful. "I pity you, creature. I am sorry for what has been done to your once-human soul." The winged swordsman responded. He truly sounded sincere enough to believe. The demon laughed, blood trickling down his face from the wound he'd received earlier. "I'm not." he retorted. The winged creature sighed, "I see..." he nodded and gripped the sword, advancing towards his unarmed opponent. The white haired man muttered something and his own shadow separated from himself, flying up towards the archer and the winged swordsman. The shadow flew at the swordsman's face, providing enough of a distraction for the archer to slip away. In front of the winged swordsman, the air shimmered and a golden haired man in a full suit of tarnished silver armour appeared with a large silver battle-axe in his hands. His eyes were a midnight blue with no stars, his face was darkened with the signs of war as well. His face looked so similar to the man that stood in front of them that they could have been father and son...or brothers. But the golden haired one had no wings and his eyes were a much darker blue and filled with so much more hate. When he spoke, his voice was smooth and musical, "I will not fight you." "I'm afraid that it must eventually come to a fight after all you have done...All you have destroyed." "But don't you see?" the gold haired man inquired. "It is true, I have destroyed so much...but I have created so much more..." "Stop this now, stop all of this and you may have a chance to return home." The golden haired man sighed, "I said I would not fight you...and I will keep my word." He shook his head, "But..." he added, his voice full of regret, "I cannot allow you to live. Not if you refuse to see my side." Just then, a loud, rumbling screech filled the air and the sky lit up in a roaring inferno. Any of the other winged being flying in the air were burned and fell to the ground as smoldering black carcasses. Trees burned all around, filling the sky with black smoke as a dark mass became visible as it circled them in the sky. "It is here..." the golden haired man breathed. The winged swordsman had his gaze cast upwards, staring up at the sky that had filled with smoke, his voice shook with anger as he spoke, "You have killed so many of your own..." He brought his gaze back to the fair haired man, "You have twisted and tempted man to sin...but that was bound to happen. Mankind was never meant to be perfect...But this...this have created an evil of your evil to snuff out all that is light in the cold world..." He looked back upwards as another screech filled the air, "I should have killed you as soon as I was informed of this foul creation...but I didn't believe it...not until I have seen it now...for myself." Through the smoke, the swordsman could see four other figures standing around him. It was the others who had been fighting the winged creatures on the battlefield. No more sound came from the sky as the others closed in on the swordsman. Instead, the sound of rattling chain mail came from behind him. He turned around and there stood the knight in black, the sword materializing out of thin air. The golden haired man watched as the others held the winged man down. The knight in black raised the sword, but before the blade was brought down, the golden haired man grinned and held up his hand. "Stop." The knight looked up. There was a silent conversation between the two of them. The knight nodded silently in understanding and forced the swordsman to his knees. The winged swordsman struggled against the iron grip of the knight, understanding the silent exchange between the knight and the golden haired man, "No!" he screamed. "You can't!" The golden haired man's expression was gloating, his voice low as he leaned over to the swordsman, "Oh, but I can," he snapped his fingers. Quick as the snap, the knight brought the sword back down onto the winged man. The whole area echoed with awful screams of the swordsman as the knight allowed him to drop to the ground. The knight's allies stared. Silver wings lay on the ground at the knight's feet. Their magnificent soft feathers were now tainted with crimson splatters that stood out against the silver. The man shuddered on the ground, screaming as blood seeped from his back. The golden haired man laughed as the other man's wings began to burn in a terrible blue and black fire. But they burned slowly, it seemed to take an eternity for them to burn...and the whole time, the broken man screamed. Even though they were no longer a part of him, the wings continued to flail on the ground. The man screamed from the time they were cut off, until his wings were nothing more than a black scorch mark on the mountainside. "Now you know..." The golden haired man told the other one. Slowly, weakly, the other man lifted his head. His voice was hoarse and quiet from screaming, "You will never have this world, nor will you have any others." "No..." The golden haired man shook his head and whispered, "I will have...Everything."

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