Translate   11 years ago

MYOB The last thing that I need to hear From you bitch is advice So before you move your mouth again Promise me you'll think twice Cuz I really do not give a shit Bout what you have to say And I refuse to feed into Any games you want to play So you think I should be guarded And less careless with my heart? Yeah you said giving my all to you Just wasn't very smart You know what they say bout hindsight And now I can see it clear On the list of things I'd change Giving my all does not appear It's so funny seeing you up there On your damn pedestal Giving 'words of wisdom' freely And claiming to know it all But if you'd just look three inches In front of your stupid face You'd know that the man you cling to Wants someone else in your place So I guess now is the time For me to give advice to you Just this one last parting phrase And then I promise that we're through You mind your own damn business bitch And stop pretending to care I can't wait to give my all again To someone new out there.

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