Dear Daddy, Please don't leave me Please don't go I need you much more Than you'll ever know You make me laugh You make me smile Your silliness makes My days worth while If you have to leave I don't know what I'll do Besides some crying and A whole lot of missing you I know it's not my choice And it's a hard one to make But you're my number one And your absence will cause my heart to break I'm trying to hold it together Because I know you need me to be strong But I don't want you thousands of miles away That just feels completely wrong You're my rock And the sweetest guy i know You bring me up high From my lowest lows I know it's not my choice And it's quite selfish of me But I need you here Because I love my daddy I can't imagine you not being here Right by my side If you have to leave I'll have nowhere to hide I don't want to miss you Any more than I do right now It hurts to even think about it And I just don't understand how I should tell you how I feel Before it's too late Before I'm waving goodbye at the terminal And you've got a foot in the gate But I don't wanna make you sad I'm your happy little girl But really please don't leave me, daddy Because you're my whole world
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