In His Shadow Chapter -3- My head snapped up to bennett, i groaned. " please god let this be a nightmare", i said under my breath. But apparently mr. Brooding caught what i said and his already icy gaze felt even colder if that was possible. Emilia cut thad a look that told him to shut up and thanks to the heavens he did. " maybe we should leave you alone", she looked between me and bennett then continued," you have to explain things to her ben, she knows nothing". His jaw was tight and in the battle of the eye color the gray won this time, his eyes were silvery gray, it was kind of scary to watch. He shook his head " she needs to rest first, before we move location tomorrow i'll explain everything". With that he stormed out to the rain. I looked around, the place looked like a motel and the room was medium, there was a bed in the middle and a lamp on, beside that it was dark. My gaze shifted to a bag in the corner when thad's voice broke into my curious brain. " it's harder for him to take this than it's for us", he stated. "why?", i said. He looked at Emilia before he spoke, she sighted and sat down on the only chair in the room. " i met em twenty years ago", he said. My eyes widened" how is that possible? You barely look twenty now". It was em who spoke now" how much do you know about the supernatural world?", she asked. " like vampires and werewolves and stuff?" She nodded. " well i read a little about them but beside that i don't know much", i confessed. She sighted again" this is going to be harder than i expected", she murmured to herself. Looking up she asked " ok so how much do you know about your father then?". That was easy " nothing" I have never met my father, the times when i asked my mother about him she dismissed the matter saying i shouldn't think about a heartless person who left his only child. Emilia looked taken aback" nothing?" I shrugged" mom hated talking about him". " i wonder why", she said sarcastically. I frowned" wait, you know my father?" Thad chipped in " who doesn't? Everyone in the super world knows Fane cross , he is a legend" Holly shit. " super world?" Thad chuckled " sorry i always forget you are a new comer" Emilia shot thad another look " super is short for super natural" she gestured for me to sit and i did. " shaw, you are a hybrid" " a what?", i choked out. " a hybrid, half vampire half human", she stated.

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