Secrets Beneath the Bodies It's not finished but this is what I've got so far. My index finger traced the rim of my coffee cup as I watched wisps of steam swirl into the air and vanish. I breathed in the sweet smell of pumpkin, my eyes drifting to my watch for what must've been the hundreth time. It was ten o'clock. He was forty-five minutes late. Wow. I stood up from my booth, pulling on my coat and grabbing my wallet. The door to the café opened. I straightened to see who had entered. It was definitely him. I knew immediately. No one was as tall as him, or had his jet black hair, and I didn't think I'd meet another soul with his beautiful blue eyes. And just standing there, staring up at him, I felt nothing had changed, like he was going to walk over and kiss me or smile his it's-ok-I'm-here smile. But everything's changed. I swallowed, smoothed the wrinkles from my coat, and pushed past him toward the door. "Sara!" I heard him call before it shut. Then he opened it again, and I heard him running after me. "Sara! C'mon! Will you just listen?" I continued walking to my car. "This is stupid, Sara. You need me. I know you need me." I stopped, my back to him. No matter how much I hated him right now. No matter how much I wanted to punch him and scream at him. I did need him. There was still that little part of me that kept saying, "He's your best friend. He knows you better than you know yourself." He took my silence as an invitation to speak. "I'm sorry, Sara. I never meant to..It happened so fast..I couldn't stop it." I turned around slowly. "She's gone. You killed her. And you think a sorry is going to fix it? You think an apology will make everything better?! Will bring her back?!" I sank to the ground, my wallet slipping from my hand to fall to the cement, its contents spilling out. "She's gone. She's dead." I began to shake uncontrollably. "Sara.." And he was there. He was wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest, where I could hear his heart beating steadily. And I let the tears come, I let his soft coat muffle the sound of my sobs, I let him hold me. I wasn't scared anymore. I wasn't scared, because I didn't have anything left to lose.
Sienna Williamson
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