Translate   11 years ago

Bird Boy Part 1 (of Three) Chirp chirp,caw! Coo, coo co- "Shoo you rats!" Interrupted a voice so spine-tinglingly raspy and deep that only a person such as Mr Saunders could've pulled it off. "And don't come back!" Mr Garfield Saunders, at the tender age of 65, occupied himself with the laborious task of maintaining relative cleanliness at St. Johnsonvilleburgh State High, being constantly irritated by the two banes of his #life. The schoolchildren who insisted on replacing every piece of litter he had just picked up, counted as one, the filthy brats. The second was the birds without which Mr Saunders would have about three hours of every day free from being bent over, scrubbing their scum. Mr Saunders was infamous for muttering as he shuffled around the school; one of the most audible words being birds, it was always about the birds. Mr Saunders had hobbled over to cluster of particularly stubborn globs of pre-chewed chewing gum adorning one of the tables and was scraping ferociously. Having finally wrenched the wretched so-and-sos from their spot, he noticed more incessant chirping from behind him. With a frightful popping noise Mr Saunders straightened up and whirred around with about the same speed as an oversize 18-wheeler....but students still fled from his line of sight all the same. Even the worst of the students knew better than to cross Mr Saunders. About 180 degrees later, a clear view of the source of dilemma presented itself. Under a tree, surrounded by brick and he flapping wings sat a lone wheelchair half-filled with a single, diminutive, human boy who had the nerve to feed the birds in front of Mr Saunders. About 180 degrees later, a clear view of the source of dilemma presented itself.

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