Translate   11 years ago

Let It Go The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom off icealation, And it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling, like this sterling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, Heaven nose I tried. Don't let them in, Don't let them see, Be the good girl, You always have to be. Conceal don't feel, Don't let them now. We'll now they now. Let it go, Let it go, Can't hold it back any more. Let it go, Let it go, Turn away and slam the door. Cose here I stand, in the light of day. Let the storm raise on. The cold never bothered me anyway. It's funny how some distance, Makes everything Shem small. And the fhires that once controlled me, Can't get to me at all. It's time to see, What I can do . To test the limpets, And brake fro. No right, No wrong, No rules for me, I'm free. Let it go, Let it go, I'll rise like the brake of dawn. Let it go, Let it go, You'll never see me cry. Cause here I stand, And here I'll stay. Let the storm, Raise on. .

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