The Worry Website #1 Name: Tiffany . Garcia Age:9 Worry: hi, I'm Tiffany, also known as Tiffy. My worry is that I am always bullied at school I don't know if it's because I'm ugly, or simply just a good target. I'm definitely known as the teachers pet. So people probably go for me because of that... So please, worry website, give me an answer to stop this worry. Thank you for reading this, Yours sincerely, Tiffany . Garcia Answer: dear, Tiffany Garcia, We have thought, thought and Thought again and finally we have thought of a good answer... If you are hiding it, don't! Report this bullying to your head teacher and ask your mum to contact the bullies parents and tell them what's going on... We hope this helps, if not (which is very unlikely) then please feel free to contact this number, 077 5463 8942 thank you. Yours sincerely, The helpful members of, The Worry Website.
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