Things We Know But Keep Forgetting Them #1 Parents are angels send by god to keep us safe and care for us..........they always keep our interests before there own and try to fulfill our every wish........they are entrusted by god to protect us from harm ,not just from outside world but also from ourselves sometimes they have to go against our stupid decisions which they know that these decisions will come and haunt us in future but going against us hurts them (more than which they show) but they still do it and what's more we hate them for it!!! So next time before u shout at your parents or elders when they deny you something or go against you ,ask yourself these questions......... Why are they not letting me do this?? Of course they are not my enemy because they wouldn't have taken care for me for so much time??? And if answer comes out "that they care for me" I think you need to put a fire extinguisher on yourself!!
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