Traduzir   11 anos atrás

More Than Meets The Eye. Pt1 "What is that thing" Jenny muffled as the deformed looking creature came closer. The creature came face to face with Jenny, she could feel its breath on her face and nearly gagged at the smell. The creature began to sniff and after ten seconds it stood up and let out an ear deafening roar, and then BANG, Jenny looks up to see that the creature has been hit by a van so she picks herself up and begins to run as fast as she can. " where can I go... Grandmas!" She sets off down the street only to turn around to she a white transit van flying through the air after her. She lept to the side to avoid being crushed by it. However she carried on running, she reached her grandma's house and started banging on the door screaming "let me in please help" no answer , it's Wednesday bingo night grandma will be there but as she opens the gate the creature blocks her exit and starts to approach her. It picks her up and opens its mouth Jenny covers her face and freezes. Then the grasp around her waist opens and she falls 10ft down to the ground and looks up at the creature. It starts to stagger backwards and then a human like figure jumps on the back of its head and starts stabbing at the face of the creature until it falls to the ground till the figure gives the creature one more powerful stab to the chest area and then all falls silent as the dark figure steps down from the creature and simply says like nothing has happened " bloody shadow demons, are you alright Hun?" Jenny replies barely being able to speak "D......D......Dad."

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