Traducciones   11 años

Axis Of Ignorance Walking about their daily lives, Busying themselves with their daily labour; They break , from sun's set to it's rise, To begin again with newfound fervour. They meander along dusty streets, In dusty cities, grey with #life, They work to make ends meet, Whilst amongst them squalor runs rife. But while they preamble, To reach some predestined place, It really is unbelievable That they remain unaware of the pace; The pace at which the divide begins, To widen further still, Between those who walk and those who watch, And do the sidelines fill. Those who walk, go ignorantly past, Those sitting in need, hoping at last, That someone will cross the line; Save them from the dark; Tilt away from the axis of ignorance, Spinning in every society, in every dusty city, From sunset to sunrise, while the ignorant Continue their present monotony.

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