... Piece of paper #life is pretty cool when you have an older sister who always has your back. Even when things get a little rough around the house. That's why we went on this camping trip. Mainly because my sis dragged me along, but we just needed some fresh air. Well, my older sis just wanted to go to the "haunted" camping grounds to see if any "ghosts" would be there. Little did we know that ghosts were the least of our problems. People were dressed in black and camouflage. I guess to sneak up on their unsuspecting prey. We tried to fight back but that was utterly useless. They had weapons. All kinds ranging from butcher knives to hatchets. Handguns to machine guns. Even spears that were coated with poison. I mean I had my pocket knife while my sis had her lighter, but that really didn't slow them down that much. My name is Reyna. I have an older sister named Rebecca, but she is called Cynder. I don't know why, but she says that is what her friends call her. If you are reading this I am either dead or am in captivity. I haven't seen Rebecca or her boyfriend Tony. He had come along on the camping trip too just to make sure we would be alright. I'm currently hiding inside one of the giant trees. My left arm is broken and I'm pretty sure I twisted my ankle. Fuck they found me. I have to find th--